Beam Tests and Commissioning of Low Emittance Storage Rings

Other Institutes

Other Institutes

KIT, Campus South, Gastdozentenhaus Heinrich Hertz, Engsesser Street 3, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Anke-Susanne Müller (KIT), Frank Zimmermann (CERN), Sara Casalbuoni (IBPT-KIT)

ARIES is an Integrating Activity Project which aims to develop European particle accelerator infrastructures, co-funded under the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.

Over four years, ARIES will work towards improving the performance, availability, and sustainability of particle accelerators, transferring the benefits and applications of accelerator technology to both science and society, and enlarging and integrating the European accelerator community.

We are pleased to announce the ARIES Workshop: “Beam Tests and Commissioning of Low Emittance Storage Rings”, which will be held at at KIT Campus South on 18.02 – 20.02.2019.

The workshop will focus on beam tests and commissioning of low emittance rings such as MAXIV and SuperKEKB, as well as on preparation procedures, components and tests necessary for commissioning of the upcoming low emittance rings.

The workshop is organized under the auspices of the ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel, is part of Work Package WP7.4 of the RULE-ARIES EU funded programme, and it is organized by KIT.

(Foto: P. Wesolowski, KIT)