29 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Northeastern University
US/Eastern timezone

Physics Goals of the IsoDAR Electron Antineutrino Experiment

31 Jul 2019, 14:20
West Village G 104 (Northeastern University)

West Village G 104

Northeastern University

Oral Presentation Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Mr Edward Dunton (Columbia University)


The Isotope Decay-At-Rest (IsoDAR) experiment is a compact accelerator-based source for anti-electron neutrinos produced through Lithium-8 decay. Paired with a kiloton scale detector, IsoDAR will be able to precisely measure neutrino oscillations over an L/E of approximately 0.6-7.0 m/MeV. IsoDAr will be able to decisively test the current global allowed region for the sterile neutrino hypothesis as well as distinguish between a 3+1 and 3+2 model. IsoDAR will also collect the world’s largest sample of low energy electron-antineutrino on electron scattering events that can be used to make precision electroweak measurements and new physics searches. This talk will discuss the physics goals of the experiment as well as other beyond Standard Model precision measurements that can be performed. There will also be a brief review of the technical developments for the beam and neutrino source that are going on to enable this measurement.


Mr Edward Dunton (Columbia University)

Presentation materials