29 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Northeastern University
US/Eastern timezone

Public Lecture

Title: The Dark Matter at the Heart of Physics

Speaker: Dr. Katie Mack, North Carolina State University

Time/Date: 7:00PM Wed July 31st 

Location: Blackman Auditorium, in Ell Hall, Northeastern University

Abstract: Dark matter is one of the most mysterious and essential components of the Universe. It enabled the formation of our own Galaxy and everything we see in the night sky, and yet, it appears to be completely invisible. I'll talk about how astronomy told us dark matter exists, how particle physics might answer the question of its true nature, and why discovering it might reshape our picture of the fundamental physics of the cosmos.


Security: For security reasons, the following items are prohibited inside Blackman auditorium:

  • Dangerous Weapons
  • Alcoholic Beverages, drugs, or illegal substances
  • Backpacks or bags larger than 12”x 12” x 12"
  • Women’s handbags and baby bags of acceptable size may be allowed after searched.
  • Laser pointers
  • Drones
  • Artificial noise makers and bullhorns
  • Balloons’ and Banners
  • Outside food or beverage (unless previously approved)
  • Strollers