July 29, 2019 to August 2, 2019
Northeastern University
US/Eastern timezone

Childcare and summer camps

Grants to support child-care expenses are available:  we are pleased to announce that the Division of Particles and Fields (DPF) will provide support for child-care expenses, in the amount of $300, for applicants who will attend the DPF Meeting 2019. To be considered for this support please submit an email request to Andre Luiz De Gouvea (degouvea@northwestern.edu) by 5:00 p.m. PST on June 15, 2019. The request should include the university affiliation, and the abstract number and title of the paper or poster presented at the meeting.

Babysitters can be found through care.com or sittercity.com.

The Huntington Avenue YMCA of Boston offers a week-by-week summer camp program. It is located conveniently next to the Northeastern University campus.

Bright Horizons childcare centers offer summer camps at a variety of locations. The closest one to the Northeastern campus is at the Prudential Center.

The Museum of Fine Arts offers summer programs for kids and for teens, and is also located next to the Northeastern University campus.

Hill House offers a summer camp program in the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Boston.

Kingsley Montessori offers one week summer camp choices close to Copley Sq. in Boston.

Steve and Kate's offers flexible day-by-day camps on nearby Windsor's school campus.

The New England Aquarium (located in downtown Boston) offers summer camp programs.

The Museum of Science also offers summer courses, though many are already sold out.

The Wheelock family theater offer summer courses. This is also in walking distance from Northeastern University.

The Boston Nature Center has an outdoor summer camp program for kids age 5-15. It is located a short drive from Northeastern University.

These are just a few choices, there are several summer programs in the area.