29 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Northeastern University
US/Eastern timezone

Improving Constraints on Fundamental Physics Parameters with the Clustering of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Selected Galaxy Clusters

31 Jul 2019, 17:40
West Village G 106 (Northeastern University)

West Village G 106

Northeastern University

Oral Presentation Astroparticles & CMB Astroparticles & CMB


Dylan Cromer (Cornell University)


Next-generation probes of the cosmic microwave background will detect tens-to-hundreds of thousands of galaxy clusters through the Sunyaez-Zeldovich effect, providing a measurement of large-scale structure which offers new constraints on cosmology and fundamental physics. An often-used statistic for Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster constraints is their abundance as a function of redshift, but as the number of clusters increases to $10^4$–$10^5$, higher order statistics such as the cluster power spectrum become viable probes. Using the Fisher formalism, we forecasted the cosmological constraints that can be obtained from the cluster power spectrum for two next-generation microwave background experiments, the Simons Observatory, and CMB Stage-4. We found that the inclusion of the power spectrum with cluster abundances will improve constraints by around 10–30%. In this talk I will overview the forecasting methodology, discuss the resulting constraints, and the implications they have on using the cluster power spectrum as a probe of cosmology and fundamental physics.


Dylan Cromer (Cornell University) Prof. Nicholas Battaglia (Cornell University) Mathew Madhavacheril (Princeton)

Presentation materials