29 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Northeastern University
US/Eastern timezone

Prospects for Measuring the Four-Top Production Cross Section using 139fb$^{-1}$ of Data in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

1 Aug 2019, 14:40
Shillman 325 (Northeastern University)

Shillman 325

Northeastern University

Oral Presentation Top Quark Physics Top Quark Physics


Rachel Elizabeth Lindley (University of Arizona (US))


The production of four top-quarks, a rare final state predicted by the Standard Model, has never been seen at the 3$\sigma$ level. Additionally, this final state may be particularly sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. The ATLAS search for four top-quark production using 2015-2018 data collected at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV, with a combined luminosity of 139 fb$^{-1}$, is in progress. One important aspect to improve the measurement is the optimization of variables for jets, including $b$-tagged and re-clustered jets, in order to isolate signal events from the primary $t\bar{t}$ background in the 1-lepton and dilepton opposite-sign channels. By performing profile likelihood ratio fitting, we evaluate and report the significance associated with alternative selection criteria on jet variables.


Rachel Elizabeth Lindley (University of Arizona (US))

Presentation materials