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Initial Condition for Matter in the Fragmentation Region

6 Nov 2019, 15:20
HongKong Room (Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel)

HongKong Room

Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Oral Presentation Initial state and approach to equilibrium Parallel Session - Initial state II


Larry McLerran (INT, University of Washington)


The initial conditions for matter produced in the fragmentation region of high
energy hadronic collisions can be computed using the theory of the Color Glass Condensate. We consider the scattering of a classical color charge from a large nucleus and compute produced radiation in the fragmentation region of the classical color charge. Our results are to all order in the strength of the color field of the nucleus. We compare our results against first order computation in the strength of the nuclear field. We evaluate the transverse momentum dependence in various transverse momentum ranges.

Primary authors

Larry McLerran (INT, University of Washington) Dr Risto Paatelainen (CERN) Prof. Keijo Kajantie (University of Helsinki)

Presentation materials