Probing modification of the initial state in small systems via jets detected in PHENIX

5 Nov 2019, 17:20
Ball Room 2 (Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel)

Ball Room 2

Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Oral Presentation Initial state and approach to equilibrium Parallel Session - Initial state I


Jonathan Runchey for the PHENIX Collaboration (Iowa State University)


Previous measurements in small systems indicate that the modifications to jets relative to p+p collisions is small. However, looking at more differential measurements may reveal if any modifications do exist. In particular, we compare $\pi^0$-hadron correlations measured with PHENIX in small systems to those observed in p+p collisions to probe any initial state effects. Several systematic uncertainties cancel when comparing the ratio of the awayside yield to the nearside yield in d+Au and $^3$He+Au systems to p+p revealing a quantifiable modification in these systems. In addition, $p_{out}$ distributions for the p+A collisions is measured. An increasing trend in the width of the $p_{out}$ distributions in p+Al and p+Au compared to p+p is observed as a function of $N_{coll}$. The potential implications of these measurements in conjunction with the PHENIX results for reconstructed jets in small systems will be discussed.

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