Correlation of flow harmonics and mean transverse momentum in 5.02 TeV $p$+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions and event-plane dependence of HBT radii in high-multiplicity $p$+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector

6 Nov 2019, 10:20
Ball Room 3 (Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel)

Ball Room 3

Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Oral Presentation Collective dynamics and final state interaction Parallel Session - Collective dynamics IV


Tomasz Bold (AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Krakow)


To assess the properties of the quark-gluon plasma formed in heavy ion collisions, correlations between the mean transverse momentum, [$p_{T}$], and the magnitude of the flow harmonics, $v_{n}$, are measured by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The analysis uses data samples of lead-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} =5.02$~TeV and proton-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} =5.02$~TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 22 $\mu$b$^{-1}$ and 28 nb$^{-1}$, respectively. The correlations are measured using a modified Pearson coefficient that is independent of multiplicity fluctuations. To suppress any short-range correlations, the [$p_{T}$] is measured at mid-rapidity and the flow harmonics are measured at forward rapidity.
In Pb+Pb collisions, significant (non-zero) values of the correlation coefficients are observed for all studied harmonics, which show a strong centrality dependence but vary only weakly with the charged particle $p_{T}$ range used in the measurement. On the other hand, in $p$+Pb collisions, the correlation coefficient measured for the 2$^{nd}$ harmonic is found to show only a weak centrality dependence. The predictions of a 3+1D viscous-hydrodynamic model are found to be qualitatively consistent with the data, indicating hydrodynamic origin of these correlations in $p$+Pb collisions.
As an independent test for the hydrodynamic description of collectivity observed in $p$+Pb collisions, measurements of two-pion HBT correlations as a function of the angle of the pion pair with respect to the second-order event plane angle are presented. The HBT correlation functions, corrected for event plane resolution, are measured as a function of $q_{out}$, $q_{side}$ and $q_{long}$ in intervals of pair transverse momentum and second-order flow-vector magnitude. The correlation functions are fit using the Bowler-Sinyukov form with the exponential HBT correlation function. The extracted HBT radii, $R_{out}$, $R_{side}$ and $R_{long}$ and a significant out-side cross-term are found to exhibit significant modulation with respect to the second-order event plane, similar to that observed in heavy ion collisions. Results of the measurements and physics implications of the result, will be discussed.


Tomasz Bold (AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Krakow)

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