Feasibility studies of conserved charge fluctuations in Au–Au collisions with CBM

5 Nov 2019, 12:00
Ball Room 1 (Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel)

Ball Room 1

Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Oral Presentation Search for the critical end point Parallel Session - Search for the CP I


Subhasis Samanta for the CBM Collaboration (National Institute of Science Education and Research )


The physics program of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR is focused on the measurement of properties of nuclear matter at high net-baryonic density. This experiment will offer the possibility to find signatures of discontinuous transition from QGP to hadronic phase and the QCD critical point where the first order phase transition ends. In the search of the QCD phase transition and its speculated critical point, the most reliable way is to study the fluctuations of conserved charges such as net-baryon (B), net-charge (Q), and net-strangeness (S) number with collision energy in the event by event basis.

We will discuss the feasibility studies of conserved charge fluctuations in Au--Au collisions with CBM at SIS100 energies.Au--Au minimum bias events are generated at $E_{lab} = 10$ AGeV using UrQMD model and transported through the CBM detector setup using GEANT3. The CBM detector setup for hadronic physics consists of Micro Vertex Detector (MVD), Silicon Tracking System (STS), Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH), Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) and Time-of-Flight Detector (TOF) covering a pseudo-rapidity range, $1.5< \eta< 3.8$. The particle identification is done using TOF detector. The simulations results on higher order cumulants of net-charge, net-proton (proxy for net-baryon) and mixed cumulants of
proton-kaon (proxy for baryon-strangeness correlation) within the CbmRoot framework at SIS100 energy region will be presented. The cumulants are centrality bin width corrected. The efficiency correction using unfolding techniques will be discussed. The transverse momentum ($p_{T}$), rapidity and centrality dependence of the higher order cumulants of conserved charges will be presented.

Primary author

Subhasis Samanta for the CBM Collaboration (National Institute of Science Education and Research )

Presentation materials