Nuclear modification factors, directed and elliptic flow of electrons from open heavy flavor decays in Au+Au collisions from STAR

5 Nov 2019, 17:40
Ball Room 3 (Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel)

Ball Room 3

Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Oral Presentation Heavy flavor and quarkonium Parallel Session - Heavy flavor III


Matthew Kelsey for the STAR Collaboration (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL))


Measurements of nuclear modification factors (RAA) and elliptic flow (v2) for open heavy flavor hadrons are essential probes of the Quark Gluon Plasma produced in heavy-ion collisions. Single electrons from semi-leptonic decays are an excellent channel to study open heavy flavor due to their large branching fractions and triggering possibilities. Additionally, semi-leptonic c-hadron decays can provide a complimentary measurement of charm hadron directed flow (v1).
In this talk we will present the analyses of single electrons from semi-leptonic b- and c- hadron decays at mid-rapidity in sNN = 200, 54.4, and 27 GeV Au+Au collisions. The data at sNN = 200 GeV incorporate the Heavy Flavor Tracker which enables the topological separation of electrons originating from b- and c-hadron decays. We will report the first STAR measurements at sNN = 200 GeV of v2 for bottom-decayed electrons as a function of pT and v1 for charm-decayed electrons as a function of electron rapidity. Additionally, improved measurements of RAA and a new measurement of the double ratio of RCP between bottom- and charm-decayed electrons will be presented as a function of pT and centrality. We will also present the measurement of non-photonic electron v2 in sNN = 54.4 and 27 GeV data, collected during the 2017 and 2018 RHIC runs. These data samples contain roughly an order of magnitude more statistics than the previous STAR analysis at sNN = 62.4 GeV, which allows a more precise measurement of v2 for electrons from heavy flavor hadron decays at lower energies. Our data will be compared to theoretical models and implications will be discussed.


Matthew Kelsey for the STAR Collaboration (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL))

Presentation materials