Chirality transfer & chiral turbulence in gauge theories

6 Nov 2019, 17:40
HongKong Room (Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel)

HongKong Room

Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Oral Presentation New theoretical developments Parallel Session - QM & nuclear astrophysics


Soeren Schlichting (Universität Bielefeld)


Sharing and transfer of chirality between gauge fields and fermion plays a crucial role for understanding the dynamics of anomalous transport phenomena such as the Chiral Megnetic Effect. We present a first principles study of the chirality transfer between gauge fields and fermions based on classical-statistical real-time lattice simulations. We demonstrate that a chirality imbalance in the fermion sector triggers plasma instabilities in the gauge field sector, which ultimately lead to the emergence of turbulent behavior characterized by a self-similar infrared cascade of magnetic helicity. We comment on the differences between abelian and non-abelian gauge theories, and discuss consequences for modeling anomalous transport phenomena in heavy-ion collisions


Soeren Schlichting (Universität Bielefeld) Mark Mace (University of Jyväskylä) Sayantan Sharma (BNL) Niklas Mueller (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials