Quarkyonic Matter and Neutron Stars

6 Nov 2019, 16:40
HongKong Room (Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel)

HongKong Room

Wanda Reign Wuhan Hotel

Oral Presentation Quark matter and nuclear astrophysics Parallel Session - QM & nuclear astrophysics


Jeon Kiesang (INT, University of Washington)


Masses and radii of neutron stars and the recent data from LIGO suggest that
the sound velocity is greater than or of the order of 1/3 at densities a few times that of nuclear matter. We show that this arises naturally if nuclear matter is Quarkyonic. Quarkyonic matter has a shell in the Fermi surface of nuclear matter
and Fermi sea of quarks. We discuss how this shell might arise dynamically


Jeon Kiesang (INT, University of Washington) Dr Srimoyee Sen (INT, University of Washington) Prof. Sanjay Reddy (INT, University of Washington) Prof. Larry McLerran (INT, University of Washington)

Presentation materials