Presentations of Student's reports after TeFeNICA programme
The main task of my project was to determine and fix errors and warnings in Mpd-Root software. Mpd-Root is a simulation and analysis framework for NICA/MPD Detectors. Due to the work which was done - warnings free, compilable software code was obtained and released. Additionally, macros included in software files were checked in context of ability to work properly.
The presentation shows the problem of mass simulation and generation of Monte Carlo particle collisions in the MPD experiment. It contains information about the tools used and how to solve the problem, next stages of work, the current outline of the program and a summary of the amount of simulated data were described.
My main task during working in JINR was Managing large scale computing for MPD experiment. At the begging I had to get knowledge about mpdroot program which is used to simulate Multi Purpose Detector (MPD). Another task was to collect knowledge what my team needs on clusters and what resources can I acquired in JINR. I received access to LIT cluster (Supercomputer Govroun) and to job managing...
Presentation will be about how THERMINATOR generator was implemented in the MpdRoot environment, how to use it and perspectives for the future. Results accomplished with THERMINATOR will be presented as well. If applicable, audience will be able to ask some questions.
THERMal heavy-IoN generATOR (Therminator) is a model of Monte Carlo event generator for simulating collisions of heavy particles. The code is written in the object-oriented c++ language. In the MpdROOT environment simulations were launched for one and two events. Small code changes have been made to improve Therminator efficiency. Work is underway on the proper functioning of it on the...
The aim of this project is to make processes of physical analysis faster. In everyday scientist work it is obvious that we want to have the results of our research in a few moments. Main goal of this pressentation is to show how we can achieve it. Which means: basic of developing a TSelector, automatization of processes of physical analysis (from users perspective). And show results of my...
The main goal of this work was to perform Au+Au collisions generated within UrQMD model for different energies of NICA beam energy range. In order to obtain events generations, as well as physical analysis MPDroot environment was used. All the work was automatized via created macros and performed at NICA cluster. Simulations were held for intermediate energies of 4,7,9 and 11GeV.
In experiments like MPD, that study behaviour of particles, it is important to correctly identify registered particles. One problem is the identification of particles that generate signal in detector. Second is the reconstruction of baryons, that have life span too short to reach detectors. All of this is important in studying strong interactions between different baryon types.
A new approach to particle identification based on four methods including:
- dE/dx($p_{total}$)
- $\beta(p_{total)}$
- $m^2(p_{total)}$
- $m^2(dE/dx)$
This method takes advantage of Monte Carlo data to create templates for aforementioned distributions. The templates are then used to determine given track's identity.
Program to analyze simulated data from .root files, which are available on PCs or NICA cluster system (2 versions) by creating histograms of:
- multiplicity
- transverse momentum
- polar angle
- pseudorapidity
- pseudorapidity in a function of polar angle.
To properly simulate what happens after two particles collide in a detector one needs a properly modeled geometry of said machine. For later physical analysis it is important to know exactly what are its dimensions, where is it located in space, where are the particles located, what tracks did they leave. Also knowing how to add new detector or detector parts and where to put them in the code...
Monte Carlo simulation plays a significant role in particle physics. Therefore, it is important that the geometry of MPD components in software needs to be as close to real as possible. Visualising simulations helps to create actual projection of detector and generated particles. The Cosmic Ray Detector reduces the amount of muons counted for analysis by detecting cosmic radiation. With given...
Aim of our project was to create a multi-platform application which will enable identifying and stock-taking every single component used in NICA project. To achieve that we created Windows and Android mobile application which allows user to get acquaintance with NICA coding convention and generate or decode unique 10-character code of component given according to coding lists. Thanks to the...
Such big experiments as NICA-MPD come along with a lot of multi-device connections. Therefore, the results of research may depend on quality and correct connection of signal cables. In this talk a complete design of cable tester for the NICA-MPD Platform will be shown, including software, electronical, and mechanical aspects of the device. The project layout has been optimized to provide...
Nuclotron based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) require a control and measurement system to test fiber optics. The system is important to ensure a quality of fiber optic tracks. It consists of different devices for measurement of various parameters. Control and measurement system will be used to check optic cable tracks, which were connected to the network in four of Slow Control System's RACKs...
In this work gas system for MPD/TOF test stand and its control software development are discussed. Some elements of the gas instalation were modified. In order to provide proper functioning of the devices PID controllers were added. To choose proper settings of the PID controllers the Ziegler-Nichols method was used. Conducted software tests turned positive. System works properly and can be...
In order to provide the same time to every devices there is a need to construct special system. In NICA project synchronization will be managed by GPS. System designers can use this module for accurate data timesampling, system clock setting, gating data acquisition based on the arrival of the PPS and synchronizing
global waveform acquisition data using the FPGA.
Software development for a fire-protection units of the Slow Control System was set as a part of the RACK infrastructure modernization at Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The main goal of the system, as any other fire-extinguishing systems, is to protect health and life of people and to preserve the equipment inside the RACK’s...
Topic of the presentation is XYZ Scanner. This mechanical structure should allow to place a gauge (eg. Magnetometer) in a specified point in space. In NICA project it will be used for analysis of magnetic field uniformity in magnets. Existing project is 1D scanner, designed and constructed using Bosch aluminium profiles. Motion is realised by step motors with 3D printed parts. Developed...
Research and development of monitoring software to measure and save data of the Earth’s magnetic field for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM. Due to the presence of unwanted background magnetic fields or uniform magnets with defects in their magnetic field, that could affect measurements, it was necessary to create magnetic field monitoring system. For that purpose a system was created with use of...
The task concerned the improvement of operation of the magnetic field measurement system, containing the MAG3110 magnetometer. LCD screen has been connected to the system in order to display the measurement results. Data logging to the USB drive connected directly to the MyRIO system has been configured. The sensor has been calibrated.
The aim of this project is the introduction to research and development of a prototype drive system for various sensors in the r, φ coordinate system. The device was designed for extensive solutions, but in this case, the focus was particularly on the cosmic ray measurement system. An extremely important issue was the easiest possible adaptatability to various applications, therefore the...
Project focuses on α, β, γ radiation monitoring. Firstly, three Gamma-Scout detectors were tested if the measurements taken in the same location are equal within 5% uncertainty. Next, detectors where moved to three different locations. Data collected from those locations in three available working modes (detection of γ, β+γ and α+β+γ radiation) was analyzed to determine potential influence of...
Electronic devices’ overheating may cause functioning problems and production of inaccurate data in the experiment’s detectors. The aim of the project was to design the most optimal and efficient way of cooling the MPD-TOF detector’s module, to ensure the optimal operating condition for the Front End Electronics. The work cosisted of preparing detailed CAD model of the existing module and...
Presented work could be divided into two main tasks.
One of them was to modify existing software programs for three types of detectors: SiPM spectrometer, Geiger-Mueller counter and Gamma-Scout dosimeters.
All the programming was made in LabView graphical development environment.
Another assignment was to measure radiation intensity in three different surroundings: inside the rack, inside...
Overheating electronic elements can causes them to function improperly, because of that measuring and controlling the temperature are major factors in terms of their longevity and reliability. Measurements can be done in discrete approach by using thermometers or by taking images using thermal imager and then analyzing them. In case of utilizing second approach it is easier to measure variety...
Silicon Tracking System (STS) will be part of tracking system in Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) experiment. Such detector consists of high amount of silicon chips, which are consuming significant electric power. Most of this power is dissipated in chip as heat, this process can couse overheating of chip or even whole detector. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) thermal simulation might...
As is common knowledge, electronics produce heat while working. The tasks were to carry out simulations of heat transfer between three of 28 modules of MPD-TOF detector and also research a method to carry them out using results of a simulation for only one module. Simulations have been performed with a usage of CFD method.
The MPD-TOF detector is a gas detector in which an optimized gas distribution system plays a key role. The main task of this system is to ensure an even, laminar flow of the working fluid throughout the detector volume. During the work, various variants of the gas distribution system were prepared inside the MPD-TOF detector module. Next, flow simulations were carried out for each variant...
In order to keep RACKs clean of any dust and other particles, the decision has been made to hermetically close them off from the environment. This however can lead to overheating of electronic devices inside. Due to that, a special cooling system was designed. It consists of two sets of fans, two transducers (measuring temperature and humidity) and radiators. All the elements are connected to...
The main task was to make temperature simulations for MPD-TPC detector. Model of ROC from MPD-TPC detector was made in line with actual dimensions of real model in Autodesk Inventor program. Whole model was drawn with all PCBs and cooling system. Then thanks to Autodesk CFD program were carried out calculations of model in temperature domain in case of temperature change gradient examination.
During the internship in JINR has been set up a problem with the electronics heat up in the RACK cabinet. It should ensure the right work conditions, the basic parameter is temperature. For that reason it has formed a need to see the heat transfer in the RACK cabinet and also the PXI module.
The project concerns an analysis of background radiation with a scintillation counter. It included a series of measurements in different external conditions and attitude of the device. The analysis and comparison of the results was carried out in terms of the use of the device in the NICA project. Conclusions pointed out some of device's flaws which should be taken into consideration during...
The subject of this work is laboratory solution of pure cooling system for equipment installed in RACK 42U 19'' in conditions of forced long-term operation (20 years). The designed system is a closed system operating with liquid and air cooling medium.
The scope of work includes getting acquainted with the technical and functional requirements and designing the required structures, which...
Time of Flight (TOF) detector is a part of Multi Purpose Detector (MPD), crucial element of the NICA complex. The detector generates signal that carries information needed for the particle identification. Complex physical proces of forming output signal requires maintaining the amplifier circuits at specific temperature. Overheating may induce major signal distorsions and - in worst case –...
To avoid getting dust inside RACKs it was decided to close them as hermetically as possible and provide the closed air loop venntilation. In each cabinet there are temperature and humidity transducers , fans modules and radiators. Using RS-485 standard based on the MODBUS protocol and modules of logic outputs, fans are being switched on and off depending on temperature inside each RACK and...
Speech about software designed to control the device that measures
radiation absorption of various materials. Made during Slow Control
Summer Practice 2019 let user measure without the hazard of being
exposed to the ionizing radiation.
The aim of this project was to design and construct system for environmental monitoring and stabilisation inside test laboratory for MPD-TOF platform. The presentation includes schematics of proposed system design, brief description of its function, accomplished tasks and proposed plans for future development.
The Multi Purpose Detector (MPD) at Nuclotron based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA), which is under construction at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, will be studying relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Such detector consists of high amount of electronic devices. Each of sub-detectors, modules, devices, being a part of NICA-MPD produces a specific...
Project focuses on α, β, γ radiation monitoring. Firstly, three Gamma-Scout detectors were tested if the measurements taken in the same location are equal within 5% uncertainty. Next, detectors where moved to three different locations. Data collected from those locations in three available working modes (detection of γ, β+γ and α+β+γ radiation) was analyzed to determine potential influence of...