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13–18 Oct 2019
Lafodia Sea Resort, Lopud Island, Croatia
Europe/Zurich timezone

RD53 analog front-end processors for the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the High-Luminosity LHC

15 Oct 2019, 15:00
Lafodia Sea Resort, Lopud Island, Croatia

Lafodia Sea Resort, Lopud Island, Croatia


Luigi Gaioni (Universita and INFN (IT))


This work discusses the design and the main results relevant to the characterization of analog front-end processors in view of their operation in the pixel detector readout chips of ATLAS and CMS at the High-Luminosity LHC. The front-end channels presented in this paper are part of RD53A, a large scale demonstrator designed in a 65 nm CMOS technology by the RD53 collaboration. The collaboration is now developing the full-sized readout chips for the actual experiments. Some details on the improvements implemented in the analog front-ends will be provided in the conference paper.

Primary author

Luigi Gaioni (Universita and INFN (IT))

Presentation materials