Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Rencontres de Physique des Particules 2020


L'édition 2020 de la Rencontre de Physique des Particules aura lieu à l'École polytechnique, du mercredi 29 janvier à 10h30 au vendredi 31 janvier à 16h00. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au 15 janvier 2020.

Nous avons prévu un certain nombre d'exposés de revue et une session de discussion, ainsi que l'organisation d'une assemblée générale sur les perspectives de notre discipline.

Nous vous invitons à soumettre une proposition d'exposé (20 minutes) dans la rubrique "Abstract submission". La date limite pour l'envoi des abstracts est fixée au 15 janvier 2020.

The 2020 edition of the Rencontre de Physique des Particules will be held at École polytechnique, from Wednesday 29 January at 10.30am to Friday 31 January at 4pm. Registration will be open until January 15, 2020.

We have foreseen a number of review talks, a discussion session, as well as the organisation of a Round Table on the status and perspectives of our field.  

We invite you to submit an abstract for a talk (20 minutes) in the section "Abstract submission". The deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2020.

This event is supported by CNRS Labex P2IO, GDR Intensity Frontier and GDR QCD.

CNRS P2IOGDR Intensity Frontier


  • Adam Falkowski
  • Alexandre Arbey
  • Anh Dung Le
  • Anthony Francis
  • Antoine Gerardin
  • Aoife Bharucha
  • Arkadiusz Trawiński
  • Avirup Ghosh
  • Bachir Moussallam
  • Benoît Blossier
  • Bernard Pire
  • Björn Herrmann
  • Carlo Branchina
  • Christopher Smith
  • Cyrille Marquet
  • Cédric Lorcé
  • Cédric Mezrag
  • Damir Becirevic
  • David Arturo Amor Quiroz
  • Diego Guadagnoli
  • Elena Pinetti
  • Fayez Abu-Ajamieh
  • Felix Brümmer
  • Florian Nortier
  • Francesca Calore
  • Francesca Cuteri
  • Francesco Polci
  • Francois Arleo
  • Francois Gelis
  • gaetan Lafforgue-Marmet
  • Gaël Alguero
  • Giuliano Giacalone
  • Hagop Sazdjian
  • Hervé Dutrieux
  • Hervé Moutarde
  • Hua-Sheng Shao
  • Jacopo Ghiglieri
  • Jeremy AUFFINGER
  • Julien Serreau
  • Jérémie Quevillon
  • Kalliopi Petraki
  • Karim Benakli
  • Kumiko Kotera
  • Lohan Sartore
  • Luc Darmé
  • Luiz Vale Silva
  • Manuel Utsch
  • Marc KNECHT
  • Marco Cirelli
  • Mark Goodsell
  • Martin Novoa Brunet
  • Mathias Pierre
  • Michel Rausch de Traubenberg
  • Michele Frigerio
  • Mylène Caudron
  • Nahuel Barrios
  • Peter Lowdon
  • Pieter Taels
  • Piotr Tourkine
  • Raffaele Tito Dagnolo
  • Redamy Pérez-Ramos
  • Robin Ducrocq
  • Sabrina Cotogno
  • Samuel Wallon
  • Savvas Zafeiropoulos
  • Sebastien Descotes-Genon
  • Simone La Cesa
  • Sofian Teber
  • Stam Nicolis
  • Stéphane Lavignac
  • Stéphane Munier
  • Taklit SAMI
  • Trinang PHAM
  • Urko Reinosa
  • Vivian Poulin
  • Véronique Bernard
  • William Focillon
  • Yann Mambrini
    • 10:00 10:25
      Welcome coffee 25m
    • 10:25 10:30
      Introductory remarks 5m
      Speaker: Local organizing committee
    • 10:30 12:20
      Beyond the Standard Model
      Convener: Emilian Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique)
      • 10:30
        Searching for dark matter with complementary probes 35m
        Speaker: Francesca Calore (LAPTh, CNRS)
      • 11:05
        Axions at the crossroads 25m
        Speaker: Dr Jeremie Quevillon (LPSC, Grenoble (CNRS))
      • 11:30
        Using noise fields to probe supersymmetry 25m
        Speaker: Dr Stam Nicolis (Institut Denis Poisson (UMR 7013) Tours)
      • 11:55
        The Trouble with Hubble: signs of new physics? 25m
        Speaker: Dr Vivian Poulin (LUPM, CNRS, France)
    • 12:20 14:00
      Lunch 1h 40m
    • 14:00 14:15
      Welcome address 15m
      Speaker: Benoît Deveaud
    • 14:15 16:05
      Convener: Cédric Lorcé (Ecole polytechnique)
      • 14:15
        Thermodynamics and transport properties of the quark-gluon plasma: recent advancements 35m
        Speaker: Jacopo Ghiglieri (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 14:50
        Gluon TMDs in electroproduction 25m
        Speaker: Pieter Taels
      • 15:15
        Extraction of GFFs from GPDs 25m
        Speaker: Dr Arkadiusz Trawiński
      • 15:40
        Expression for the potential angular momentum within the scalar diquark model 25m

        One of the challenges of both nuclear and hadronic physics is to fully
        understand the structure of nucleons and nuclei through the measurements
        of its structure functions. In particular, possible future experiments at
        the EIC are aimed to understand the origin of the spin of the proton. This
        requires a proper decomposition of the nucleons total angular momentum
        into an orbital motion and intrinsic spin. The most common decompositions
        of angular momentum are the Jaffe-Manohar (canonical) and Ji (kinetic)
        decompositions, which differ by the so-called "potential angular momentum"
        and that depend on how the contributions are attributed to quarks and

        Even if some lattice calculations has shown that difference between the
        decompositions is non-zero, we justify a non-vanishing potential angular
        momentum using perturbation theory within a simple scalar diquark model at
        two-loop level, and motivate the interpretation of such a difference as
        originating from the torque exerted by initial or final state interactions
        on the struck quark.

        Speaker: Arturo Amor (Ecole polytechnique)
    • 16:05 16:30
      Coffee break 25m
    • 16:30 18:00
      Table ronde 1h 30m
      Speaker: Bureau des théoriciens de physique des particules
    • 09:30 10:55
      Convener: Cyrille Marquet (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique)
      • 09:30
        Overview of (selected) recent results using Lattice QCD 35m
        Speaker: Antoine Gerardin (CPT Marseille)
      • 10:05
        Developments in LQCD studies of heavy tetraquarks 25m
        Speaker: Anthony Sebastian Francis (CERN)
      • 10:30
        Signatures for the BCS phase in QCD at nonzero isospin asymmetry 25m
        Speaker: Francesca Cuteri (J. W. Goethe Universität)
    • 10:55 11:25
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:25 12:50
      Flavour physics
      Convener: Sebastien Descotes-Genon (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d'Orsay)
    • 12:50 14:30
      Lunch 1h 40m
    • 14:30 15:05
      Convener: Francois Gelis
      • 14:30
        Electroweak corrections for LHC physics 35m
        Speaker: Hua-Sheng Shao
    • 15:05 16:20
      Convener: Francois Gelis
      • 15:05
        Basic Properties of Generalized Parton Distributions 25m
        Speaker: Cédric Mezrag (CEA Saclay)
      • 15:30
        Gravitational form factor constraints for states of arbitrary spin 25m
        Speaker: Peter Lowdon
      • 15:55
        Unbiased determination of DVCS Compton Form Factors and consequences for 3D nucleon structure 25m
        Speaker: Hervé MOUTARDE
    • 16:20 16:50
      Coffee break 30m
    • 16:50 17:40
      Convener: Urko Reinosa (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS)
      • 16:50
        Parton distribution functions from Lattice QCD 25m
        Speaker: Dr Savvas Zafeiropoulos (CPT Marseille)
      • 17:15
        Primordial fluctuations in high-energy nuclear collisions 25m
        Speaker: Giuliano Giacalone (Université Paris-Saclay)
    • 17:40 18:30
      Formal aspects
      Convener: Urko Reinosa (CPHT - Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS)
      • 17:40
        Two-loop ghost-gluon vertex in the Curci-Ferrari model 25m
        Speaker: Mr Nahuel Barrios (Universidad de la República)
      • 18:05
        Landau-Khalatnikov-Fradkin transformation and the mystery of even 𝜁-values in Euclidean massless correlators 25m
        Speaker: Sofian Teber (Sorbonne University)
    • 19:00 21:00
      Reception 2h Salon d'honneur (École polytechnique)

      Salon d'honneur

      École polytechnique

    • 09:30 10:55
      Beyond the Standard Model
      Convener: Stephane Lavignac (IPhT Saclay)
      • 09:30
        A New Concept for the Detection of Axion Dark Matter 35m
        Speaker: Raffaele Tito Dagnolo (Univ. of California San Diego (US))
      • 10:05
        Multiple point principle in the general Two-Higgs-Doublet model 25m
        Speaker: Lohan Sartore (LPSC)
      • 10:30
        Light dark sector EFT and long-lived states 25m
        Speaker: Luc Jean Marie Darmé (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
    • 10:55 11:25
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:25 12:00
      Formal aspects
      Convener: Karim Benakli (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 11:25
        Modern developments in scattering amplitudes 35m
        Speaker: Piotr Tourkine (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • 12:00 12:30
      Discussion avec le directeur de l'IN2P3 30m
      Speaker: Reynald Pain (IN2P3)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m
    • 14:00 14:50
      Beyond the Standard Model
      Convener: Michele Frigerio (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb)
      • 14:00
        Cosmology With a Very Light $L_\mu − L_\tau$ Gauge Boson 25m
        Speaker: Mr Mathias Pierre (IFT-UAM Madrid)
    • 14:50 15:25
      Closing talk
      Convener: Stéphane Munier (CNRS and École polytechnique)