Our next IPPOG collaboration meeting will take place from 28 to 30 of November 2019 at CERN.
Please note that on the first day the Open Session starting at 13:30 will take place at the conference room at point 01 at the ATLAS site behind the Globe. if you don't know where it is meet Claudia/Steve at the CERN reception at 13:00! On the subsequent days we will be back to Charpak.
Note that the Open Session on Thursday will take place at the conference room at point 01. There is construction going on at the site so you need to get through level one by the outside stairs. If you are not sure where the conference is or how to get there, then plan to meet Claudia/Steve at the CERN reception around 13:00 to walk over to point 01 together.
IMPORTANT, in order to enter CERN you now need a valid access card. Here is how to obtain one or renew yours:
1) if all you need is access to the site only during the length of the IPPOG conference, then please contact claudia.marcelloni@cern.ch who will create a VISITORS CARD for you to picked up at the CERN MAIN RECEPTION at BUILDING 33 during working hours.
2) if you need to have access to CERN or CERN services, such as INDICO, throughout the year, then please contact Anita.Bens@cern.ch who will be able to register you on the CERN database as an external and provide you with an access card of one year validity. Once at CERN you will need to pass by BUILDING 55 by ENTRANCE B during working hours to obtain your card.
please connect your device to the “CERN-Visitors” Wi-Fi network.
You should be redirected to the “CERN Visitor Wi-Fi” registration portal. If not (as this is device dependant), open a web browser and you will see the registration portal.
This portal provides registration-free access to a limited number of publicly available CERN websites. For full internet access, you need to agree with the CERN computing rules and register by providing your email address and a mobile phone number to which an access code will be sent by SMS. Once you have received and entered the access code, you will be able to access remote web sites (via http and https on standard tcp ports only) as well as some other authorised services such as e-mail, VPN and SSH.
IPPOG is celebrating its third anniversary as a collaboration. Considering the many requests to expand the collaboration we have been receiving additionally to the fact that we will have elections for the new chair(s), we suggest as panel discussion the theme "Expanding Borders". The goal of the panel is to discuss how we as a collaboration would like to grow and what different models we could foreseen. We would take advantage of the presence of representatives of ApPEC, NuPECC and iGRAV, to lead this discussion.
Please choose two of the following working groups to participate upon registration. The conveners will contact you before hand to discuss the content of the WG:
Group 01 (parallel)
Group 2 (parallel)