28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Isospin amplitudes in b-baryon decays at LHCb

28 Jul 2020, 19:29
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 05. Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics


Sheldon Stone (Syracuse University (US))


Ratios of isospin amplitudes in hadron decays are a useful probe of the interplay between weak and strong interactions, and allow searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. We present results on isospin amplitudes in b-baryon decays using proton-proton collision LHCb data collected at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV.

Secondary track (number) 06


Stefania Ricciardi (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Sheldon Stone (Syracuse University (US))

Presentation materials