28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Rare B-decay anomalies

28 Jul 2020, 16:30
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 05. Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics


Siavash Neshatpour


Rare $B$-decays are among the most promising indirect probes for the search for New Physics. In recent years there have been several significant hints for physics beyond the SM in semileptonic $b\to s \ell \ell$ transitions. Interestingly, the analysis of these so-called B anomalies indicate a consistent pattern of lepton flavour non-universality.
We present updated global fits of Wilson coefficients both when only one or two Wilson coefficients are involved as well as in a 20-dimensional fit. Using the new data of the LHCb angular analysis of the $B\to K^* \mu^+ \mu−$ decay we make statistical comparisons to determine whether the most favoured explanation of the anomalies is New Physics or underestimated hadronic effects.



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