Dark Matter Detection: Session I - Premiere
- Silvia Scorza (SNOLAB)
- Torben Ferber (DESY)
Dark Matter Detection: Session II - Premiere
- Caterina Doglioni (Lund University (SE))
- Silvia Scorza (SNOLAB)
Dark Matter Detection: Session III - Premiere
- Torben Ferber (DESY)
- Caterina Doglioni (Lund University (SE))
Dark Matter Detection: Session IV - Premiere
- Jianglai Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Caterina Doglioni (Lund University (SE))
Dark Matter Detection: Session IV - Replay
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Dark Matter Detection: Session II - Replay
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Dark Matter Detection: Session I - Replay
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Dark Matter Detection: Session III - Replay
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As the search for dark matter continues down to lower and lower masses, the kinematics of sub-GeV dark
matter scattering require moving beyond the approximation of free-particle scattering. I will describe two inelastic
channels relevant for sub-GeV dark matter detection which necessarily involve the condensed matter properties of
common detector materials: the Migdal effect in liquid...
Light dark matter interacting in a crystal or fluid must scatter off a
collective excitation (phonon) rather than off individual nuclei. I will
set up the appropriate low energy effective theory and show how to
calculate the dark matter scattering rate for various dark matter models
and target materials.
A new strongly-coupled sector can feature a supercooled confinement transition in the early universe. When fundamental quanta of the strong sector are swept into expanding bubbles of the confined phase, the distance between them is large compared to the confinement scale. The string of flux linking the fundamental quanta fragments and in the process produces an enhanced number of composite...
Many models of dark matter and hidden sectors predict new particles with masses below the electroweak scale. Low-energy electron-positron colliders such as BABAR are ideally suited to discover these hidden-sector particles. We present several recent BABAR searches for low-mass hidden- sector particles, including new searches for prompt and long-lived leptonically decaying hidden scalars...
Many extensions of the Standard Model include the possibility of light new particles, such as axions or dark matter candidates. These scenarios can be probed using the large data sets collected by $B$-factories, complementing measurements performed at the LHC.
We report on a search for an Axion-like particle (ALP), $a$, produced in the Flavor-Changing Neutral-Current decay $B\to K a$, with...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider
is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory.
The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and
the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more
than its predecessor. During 2018, the machine has completed a...
Dual phase noble liquid Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) offer a
competitive and scalable way to search for dark matter directly via
elastically scattering off of detector target nuclei and electrons.
The Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration (GADMC) is undertaking an
ambitious global program from the extraction and purification of
Underground Argon (UAr), depleted in 39Ar which reduces...
The constituents of dark matter are still unknown, and the viable possibilities span a very large mass range. Specific scenarios for the origin of dark matter sharpen the focus on a narrower range of masses: the natural scenario where dark matter originates from thermal contact with familiar matter in the early Universe requires the DM mass to lie within about an MeV to 100 TeV. Considerable...
The presence of a non-baryonic dark matter (DM) component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If dark matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model it would be produced at the LHC, escaping the detector and leaving a large missing transverse momentum as their signature. The ATLAS detector has developed a broad programme to directly search for...
Right-handed neutrinos with MeV to GeV mass are very promising candidates for dark matter (DM). Not only can they solve the missing satellite puzzle, the cusp-core problem of inner DM density profiles, and the too-big-to fail problem, i.e. that the unobserved satellites are too big to not have visible stars, but they can also account for the Standard Model (SM) neutrino masses at one loop. We...
The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) experiment is a novel low-background technique aimed at detecting low-mass (0.7-7 GeV/c2) WIMP interactions and coherent scattering of reactor neutrinos (CEvNS). The detector consists of a quartz-jar filled liquid Argon (LAr), which is spiked with 100 ppm of liquid Xenon (LXe) acting as a wavelength shifter. The target fluid is de-pressurized into a...
Carbon nanostructures offer exciting new possibilities in the detection of light dark matter. A dark matter particle with mass between 1 MeV and 1 GeV scattering off an electron in the Carbon lattice would transfer sufficient energy to eject the electron from the surface. In aligned Carbon nanotubes the ejected electron travels along the tube axis without being reabsorbed, and exits the carbon...
The NEWS-G collaboration is searching for light dark matter candidates using a spherical proportional counter. Access to the mass range from 0.1 to 10 GeV is enabled by the combination of low energy threshold, light gaseous targets (H, Ne), and highly radio-pure construction. The current status of the experiment will be presented, along with the first NEWS-G results obtained with SEDINE, a 60...
The DARWIN (DARk matter WImp search with liquid xenoN) experiment will be the ultimate ultra-low background underground detector for direct Dark Matter (DM) search. Its primary goal is to access the parameter space between the XENONnT maximal sensitivity and the so called “neutrino floor”, where neutrino interactions with the target become an irreducible background for direct dark matter...
The DarkSide-50 direct-detection dark matter experiment is a
dual-phase argon time projection chamber operating at Laboratori
Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) of INFN. It is sensitive to WIMPs with
masses above 50 GeV/$c^2$ by exploiting the exceptional pulse shape
discrimination of the scintillation signal in LAr and to lower masses
WIMPs by an analysis that uses solely the ionisation...
The SuperCDMS collaboration has recently published results from two prototype detectors with thresholds below 20 eV, setting world-leading limits on dark matter nuclear recoils down to 90 MeV/$c^2$ in dark matter mass, and confirming the previous world-leading limits on electron-recoil dark matter down to ~500 keV/$c^2$ with improved resolution. Results from these prototype detectors have...
Dark matter search results and a detailed background model for DEAP-3600 will be presented. DEAP-3600 is searching for dark matter interactions with a liquid argon target, shielded from cosmic rays by over 2 km of rock at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Canada. The spherical detector consists of 3.3 tonnes of liquid argon in a large ultralow-background acrylic cryostat instrumented with 255 photomultiplier...
We consider the possibility that the
IceCube's 6-year high-energy starting events (HESE) data
may be better explained by a combination of neutrino fluxes
from dark matter decay and an isotropic astrophysical power-law
than purely by the latter. We find that the combined two-component
flux qualitatively improves the fit to the observed data over
a purely astrophysical one, and...
The xenon-based multi-ton-scale dark matter detectors XENON1T and XENONnT, are the latest in the XENON experiment series at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. XENON1T which operated from 2016 to 2018 was the largest liquid-xenon time projection chamber to date. With a fiducial mass of 1.3 ton and a ton year exposure, its data allowed us to place the most stringent limits on...
The recent excess of electron recoil events in XENON1T can be interpreted as the absorption of bosonic dark matter particles in the keV range such as axion-like particles or dark photons. The same particles could also be producted in astrophysical systems such as horizontal branch stars or white dwarfs and account for the anomalous cooling rates observed in these systems. In my talk I will...
\title{The SENSEI Experiment: An Ultrasensitive Search for Sub-GeV Dark Matter}
\author{Mariano Cababie,\ for the SENSEI Collaboration}
\date{July 30 - August 5, 2020}
Understanding dark matter, how it was produced in the early universe,
what its nature is and where it is located in the cosmos is one of the
fundamental physics problems of our century.
The large community working on dark matter is active and diversified,
and includes particle physics theorists and astrophysicists with a wide range of interests, as well as particle physics...
Today, the situation in direct dark matter detection is controversial: The DAMA/LIBRA experiment observes an annual modulation signal at high confidence. Furthermore, this signal is perfectly compatible in terms of period and phase with the expectation for a galactic halo of dark matter particles which interact in their NaI target crystals. However, in the so-called standard scenario on dark...
The PICO collaboration uses bubble chambers to search for dark matter, with world-leading sensitivity to spin-dependent (SD) WIMP-proton couplings via direct detection. The bubble chambers are operated in a moderately superheated state, providing excellent rejection of the dominant gamma background, and are located in the deep underground facility SNOLAB in Canada. The PICO-60 detector has set...
The nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the most relevant open problems both in cosmology and particle physics. Many different experimental techniques have been developed to detect Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) as dark matter candidates via their scattering with detector atoms. The NEWSdm experiment, located in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy, is based on a novel...
The PandaX experiment uses liquid xenon as the target material to perform the dark matter direct detection at China Jinping Underground Laboratory. In 2019, the PandaX-II experiment with 580 kg liquid xenon in the sensitive volume finished the data-taking and the total exposure is around 140 ton-day. Currently, the PandaX collaboration is planing for the next generation multi-ton liquid xenon...
Positive signatures in direct searches of WIMP dark matter are so far derived from Annual Modulation (AM) studies. We present the analysis and results of AM search [1] with data from a 1-kg p-type point-contact germanium detector of the CDEX experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory [2]. The allowed regions due to DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT AM-data are probed and excluded. These...
I will discuss the possibility of looking for sub-MeV dark matter using superfluid helium-4, employing in particular the recently developed relativistic effective theory for the superfluid phonon to describe the response of the detector to the passing dark matter. Being formulated in a quantum field theory language, this approach is particularly suitable for a particle physics problem. I will...
The axion is a hypothetical particle associated with the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the U(1) symmetry, proposed by Pecci and Quinn to resolve the Charge-Parity problem in quantum chromodynamics. For invisible axions, cosmological and astrophysical observations impose the lower and upper limits on axion mass of μeV and meV respectively. The axion in such mass range could be a promising...
LUX-Zeplin (LZ) is a dark matter experiment under construction at the 4850-foot (4300 mwe) level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. The experiment utilizes a two phase time projection chamber (TPC), containing seven active tonnes of liquefied xenon, to search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Auxiliary veto detectors, including a liquid...
Axions emerge naturally from the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) mechanism which addresses the absence of CP violation in QCD; they also turn out to be a good cold dark matter (CDM) candidate. If PQ symmetry breaking had occurred after inflation, the axion mass is likely to range from $\sim26 ~\mu$eV to $\sim1$ meV, which is yet to be explored experimentally.
We present a novel dielectric haloscope...
Searches in CMS for dark matter particles, mediators, and dark sector extensions will be presented. Various final states, topologies , and kinematic variables are explored utilizing the full Run-II data-set collected at the LHC.
CRESST-III is a cryogenic dark matter experiment operated at the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy. The primary research interest is the search for dark matter in the sub-GeV/$c^{2}$ mass region. Dark matter particles are detected by measuring the nuclear recoil energy from the elastic scatter with the dark matter particle. The experimental challenge for reaching such a low mass region is to...
The measurement of low-energy cosmic anti-deuterons may reveal the existence of exotic processes such as dark-matter annihilation, since the production rate of these ions through ordinary secondary processes is very low. However, the lack of experimental data at low energies, where both the anti-nuclei production and inelastic cross sections are very poorly known, prevents precise predictions...
Anti-nuclei are considered to be one of the most promising probes in the indirect search of dark matter annihilation in space. However, in light of the recent results on the production of light anti-nuclei in pp collisions at the LHC, an abundant production of light (anti-)nuclei is also expected from Standard Model collisions of primary cosmic rays with the interstellar medium. Hence further...
Axions are a natural consequence of the Peccei-Quinn mechanism, the most compelling solution to the strong-CP problem. Similar axion-like particles (ALPs) also appear in a number of possible extensions of the Standard Model, notably in string theories. Both axions and ALPs are very well motivated candidates for Dark Matter, and in addition, they would be copiously produced at the sun’s core. A...