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SNEWS Meeting @ Neutrino2020

from Friday 19 June 2020 (07:00) to Saturday 20 June 2020 (12:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Jun 2020
20 Jun 2020
Signal Prediction - Modeling - Evan O'Connor James Kneller (NC State University) (until 08:00) ()
07:00 Manibrata Sen - Manibrata Sen   ()
07:20 Laurie Walk - Dr Walk Laurie   ()
07:40 Tommy Lam - Tommy Lam (Virginia Tech)   ()
Signal Prediction - Pre-supernova - Cecilia Lunardini (Arizona State University) Andrey Sheshukov (JINR) (until 09:15) ()
08:15 Pointing with presupernova neutrinos - Cecilia Lunardini (Arizona State University)   ()
08:35 Shape analysis and combination of presupernova signals - Andrey Sheshukov (JINR)   ()
08:55 Pre-supernova neutrino alert with SNO+ - Janet Rumleskie (Laurentian University)   ()
Signal Prediction - Detector Response - Segev BenZvi (University of Rochester) (until 10:30) ()
09:30 Overview - Segev BenZvi (University of Rochester)   ()
09:36 Sensitivity of KM3Net to CCSNe: Online and Offline Performance - marta colomer (km3net) Massimiliano Lincetto   ()
09:54 Sensitivity of RES-NOVA to supernova neutrinos - Luca Maria Pattavina (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
10:12 Sensitivity of LZ to supernova neutrinos - Elise McCarthy (University of Rochester)   ()
Alert Formation - Implementation - Alec Thomas Habig (University of Minnesota (US)) (until 11:25) ()
10:40 Scimma and Hopskotch - Skylar(Yiyang) Xu (Rice Univeristy) Amanda Depoian (Purdue University)   ()
11:00 Signifcance-based Alerts - Andrey Sheshukov (JINR)   ()
Alert Formation - Triangulation and Pointing - Kate Scholberg (Duke University) Jeffrey Tseng (University of Oxford (GB)) (until 08:15) ()
07:00 Introduction to session - Jeffrey Tseng (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
07:05 Pointing based on anisotropic interactions - Kate Scholberg (Duke University)   ()
07:15 Pointing confidence area estimation - marta colomer (km3net) Dr Vladimir Kulikovskiy (INFN Genova)   ()
07:30 Time measurements from individual experiments - Clarence Virtue (Laurentian University)   ()
07:40 Pointing with shape information - Jia-Shian Wang (University of Hong Kong (HK))   ()
07:50 Systematic uncertainties discussion   ()
08:05 Discussion on Next Steps - Kate Scholberg (Duke University)   ()
Alert Formation - Fire Drills -Dr Erin O'Sullivan (Stockholm University) (until 09:30) ()
08:30 Intro to fire drill overall strategy - Erin O'Sullivan (Stockholm University)   ()
08:40 Brainstorming - supernova modelling - James Kneller (NC State University) Evan O'Connor   ()
08:45 Brainstorming - Detector response - Segev BenZvi (University of Rochester)   ()
08:50 Brainstorming - Pre-supernova - Cecilia Lunardini (Arizona State University) Andrey Sheshukov (JINR)   ()
08:55 Brainstorming - implementation - Alec Thomas Habig (University of Minnesota (US))   ()
09:00 Brainstorming - triangulation - Kate Scholberg (Duke University) Jeffrey Tseng (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
09:05 Brainstorming - Multimessenger - Dan Milisavljevic (Purdue University)   ()
09:10 Brainstorming - Outreach - Justin Vasel (Indiana University)   ()
09:15 Discussion   ()
Discussion (until 10:30) ()
Follow-up: Multi- Messenger Follow-Up -Prof. Danny Milisavljevic (Purdue University) (until 11:15) ()
Follow-up: Outreach & Communication - Justin Vasel (Indiana University) (until 12:15) ()