18–22 Jul 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

The SU(2)D lepton portals for muon g−2, W boson mass and dark matter

18 Jul 2022, 17:20


Oral presentation (young scientists) Parallel 1D - Dark sector


Adriana Guerrero Menkara


We propose a novel model for lepton flavor and dark matter based on the SU(2)D gauge symmetry and vector-like leptons in its fundamental representations. We introduce a dark SU(2)D Higgs doublet and a Higgs bi-doublet for the mass mixing between the vector-like lepton and the lepton. As a result, the seesaw lepton masses are generated and there are sizable one-loop contributions to the muon g−2 via the SU(2)D gauge bosons and the relatively heavy vector-like lepton, as indicated in Fermilab E989. The tree-level mass mixing between the Z boson and the isospin neutral gauge boson of SU(2)D in our model accounts for the shift in the W boson mass, being consistent with Tevatron CDFII. Finally, we show that the isospin charged gauge boson of SU(2)D becomes a plausible candidate for dark matter with a small mass splitting tied up to the modified W boson mass, and there is a viable parameter space where the favored corrections to the muon g−2 and the W boson mass and the dark matter constraints are simultaneously fulfilled.


Adriana Guerrero Menkara Prof. Hyun Min Lee (Chung Ang University) Dr Kimiko Yamashita (Chung Ang University) Mr Seongsik Kim (Chung Ang University)

Presentation materials