Opportunities of OO and pO collisions at the LHC
A summary of the workshop is available at arXiv:2103.01939
The goal of this 5-day workshop is to explore the community perspective on the physics opportunities of oxygen-oxygen and proton-oxygen collisions in the LHC Run 3.
The cosmic-ray community argues for a short pO run during Run 3, because this is the unique time-window for LHCf to take data. In the heavy-ion community, the origin of collectivity in small collision systems remains a central question that begs a timely answer. A more formalised exchange between LHC experiments and theory is clearly an advantage for a successful pO and OO run. Through this workshop, we aim to bring together theorists and experimentalists to discuss both the physics opportunities and challenges specific to OO and pO.
The workshop will provide time for creative discussions on unique opportunities from collisions of light ions. A short summary document of the main conclusions of the workshop will be prepared in advance of the LHCC meeting in March 2021.
- Light-ion beams at the LHC
- Initial state
- Soft dynamics of small systems
- Hard probes in OO and pO
- Experimental opportunities with OO and pO
- pO for cosmic-ray physics
Confirmed speakers:
- Reyes Alemany Fernandez (CERN)
- Roderik Bruce (CERN)
- Martino Gagliardi (Universita di Torino)
- Wojciech Broniowski (IFJ PAN & UJK)
- Soeren Schlichting (Universitรคt Bielefeld)
- Wenbin Zhao (Peking University)
- Chun Shen (Wayne State University)
- Harri Niemi (University of Jyvรคskylรค)
- Govert Nijs (MIT)
- Yuuka Kanakubo (Sophia University)
- Petja Paakkinen (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
- Alexander Huss (CERN)
- Liliana Apolinรกrio (LIP)
- Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Man Xie (Central China Normal University)
- Vytautas Vislavicius (ALICE, Copenhagen University)
- Igor Altsybeev (ALICE, St Petersburg State University)
- Anne Marie Sickles (ATLAS, Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
- Michael Murray (CMS, University of Kansas)
- Hans Dembinski (LHCb, MPI Heidelberg)
- Giacomo Graziani (LHCb/SMOG, INFN Firenze)
- Hiroaki Menjo (LHCf, Nagoya University)
- Alessio Tiberio (LHCf, Universita e INFN, Firenze)
- Tanguy Pierog (KIT, IAP)
- Dennis Perepelitsa (sPHENIX, CU Boulder)
- Wei Li (STAR, Rice University)
- Christian Bierlich (Lund University)
The workshop will take place over five days with a weekend break in the middle: Feb 4-5 and Feb 8-10. Four to five talks each day are scheduled in the late afternoon Geneva time to accommodate different time zones. Each day will be concluded with an extended discussion session to allow an in-depth analysis on the unique opportunities of OO and pO collisions at the LHC.
All talks will be held virtually on Zoom (registration is mandatory to access the links).