EuCARD - HE-LHC'10 AccNet mini-workshop on a “High-Energy LHC”
Villa Bighi, MALTA
Villa Bighi, MALTA
The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST)
Ezio Todesco(CERN), Frank Zimmermann(AB/ABP), Jean-Pierre Koutchouk(CERN), Peter Spiller(GSI), Steve Myers(CERN), Walter Scandale(CERN)
This mini-workshop will take a first look at a higher-energy LHC (HE-LHC) with about 16.5 TeV beam energy and 20-T dipole magnets.
Parameters, beam dynamics, operating modes, new injector, magnets (for arcs, insertions and injector), cryogenics, collimation, and vacuum system for such a collider will be discussed.