Zhicheng Qian
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
The PandaX-4T is a dark matter direct detection experiment with a dual-phase xenon detector. It is located at Jinping underground laboratory in Sichuan, China. In the 2.8-tonne fiducial mass and energy region of interest (1-10 keV), the total electron recoil and nuclear recoil backgrounds are supposed to be (4.9±0.5)×10^(-2) mDRU and (2.8±0.5)×10^(-4) mDRU. With an exposure of 5.6 ton-years, the expected sensitivity of PandaX-4T could reach a spin-independent dark matter-nucleon cross section of 6 × 10^(-48) cm2 at a dark matter mass of 40 GeV/c2. An overview of detector design, background control and current status will be presented in this talk.
Zhicheng Qian
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)