Taming the accuracy of event generators (Part 2)
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At the dawn of the precision era at the LHC, Monte Carlo Event
Generators constitute the main bridge between theory and experiments. In
this scenario, it becomes paramount to understand quantitatively the
perturbative accuracy of the underlying algorithms in view of assessing
precisely their theory uncertainty, and of formulating new methods to
achieve higher perturbative accuracy in the simulations. In parallel,
this theoretical progress crucially requires an efficient exploitation
of modern computing technology to address the substantial CPU demand for
event simulations at modern collider experiments. The goal of this
workshop is to bring together leading experts in the field to analyse
recent progress and encourage new collaborations to tackle the main open
- Silvia Ferrario Ravasio (University of Oxford)
- Pier Monni (CERN)
- Stefan Prestel (Lund University)
- Emanuele Re (LAPTH, Annecy)
- Peter Richardson (IPPP, Durham)
- Marek Schoenherr (IPPP, Durham)
Adil Jueid
Aidin Masouminia
Alan Price
Alba Soto-Ontoso
Alberto Sanchez Hernandez
Aleksas Mazeliauskas
Alexander Josef Grohsjean
Alexander Karlberg
Alexander Yohei Huss
Aman Mukesh Desai
Andre Sznajder
Andrea Banfi
Andrea Treviño Domínguez
Andreas Papaefstathiou
Andrzej Siodmok
Armando Bermudez Martinez
Bernhard Mistlberger
Bryan Webber
Carlo Oleari
Chang Wu
Chen Xuan
Cheng Huanfeng
Christian Gutschow
Christian Preuss
Cody Duncan
Cristal Robles
Daniel Reichelt
Davide Napoletano
El-Menoufi Basem
Emanuele Re
Fernando Neri
Figy Terrance
Frederic Alexandre Dreyer
Gavin Bewick
Gavin Salam
Haifeng Li
Hannes Jung
Irais Bautista Guzman
Jack Holguin
Jan Kretzschmar
Jennifer Smillie
Jesús Ricardo Alvarado García
Joey Huston
Johannes Michel
Jonathan Gaunt
Josh McFayden
Khawla Jaffel
Leif Gellersen
Lopez Portillo Chavez Santiago
Luca Buonocore
Luca Rottoli
Ludovic Scyboz
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
Matthew Lim
Mattia Lizzo
Maximilian Löschner
Mees van Kampen
Melissa Beekveld, van
Michelangelo Mangano
Mika Anton Vesterinen
Mrinal Dasgupta
Nan Lu
Paolo Nason
Paolo Torrielli
Paz Antonio
Pier Francesco Monni
Qiuchan Lu
Riccardo Nagar
Rob Verheyen
Robert Szafron
Rok Medves
Roy Lemmon
Ryan Wood
Sanmay Ganguly
Sebastian Bysiak
Silvia Ferrario Ravasio
Simon Platzer
Simone Alioli
Simone Amoroso
Skands Peter
Spyros Argyropoulos
Stefan Prestel
Stefan Richter
Stefano Frixione
Steffen Schumann
Tania Robens
Tetiana Moskalets
Thomas Becher
Thomas Cridge
Torbjörn Lundberg
Torbjörn Sjöstrand
William Barter
Xuan Chen
Youngwan Kim
Zoltan Nagy