12:05 PM
Topical invited talk: Future rad-hard optical links
Jan Troska
12:15 PM
Topical invited talk: Wireless link technologies on the detector
Richard Brenner
(Uppsala University (SE))
12:25 PM
Topical invited talk: Powering and data communications challenges at FCChh
Werner Riegler
12:35 PM
Comments and brief discussion
Francois Vasey
1:05 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:05 PM
Part C Introduction: Off-detector systems
Niko Neufeld
2:20 PM
Keynote talk: DAQ and Trigger Beyond HL-LHC
- Dr
Emilio Meschi
2:50 PM
Topical invited talk: Challenges of large software-oriented TDAQ systems [CANCELLED]
- Dr
Alessandro Thea
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
3:00 PM
Topical invited talk: Using COTS processing technologies effectively
Conor Fitzpatrick
(University of Manchester (GB))
3:10 PM
Topical invited talk: Moving intelligence onto the detector
Farah Fahim
3:20 PM
Comments and brief discussion
Dave Newbold
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB))
3:50 PM
--- Break ---
4:05 PM
Open discussion
5:20 PM
Wrap-up and next steps