ISMD2022, Atholl Palace Hotel, Pitlochry, Scottish Highlands
Welcome to the 51st edition of the ISMD conference series, bringing together physicists from across particle, nuclear, and astro-physics for talks and discussions on all aspects and consequences of the strong nuclear force and complex final states.
All scientific sessions at ISMD are in plenary session to encourage cross-talk between areas, organised into the following scientific tracks:
- Hadron structure
- Forward and diffractive physics
- Collectivity and multiple-scattering
- Jets and QCD at high scales
- Hadron spectroscopy
- High-temperature QCD
- Hadronic issues in heavy-flavour physics
- Cosmic ray and astrophysics
as well as a poster session with prize and associated short talks.
Poster and logo design by Ian Lucietti.
Registration for this event is currently open.