31 July 2022 to 5 August 2022
Europe/London timezone

Generic hadronic collisions in Pythia

4 Aug 2022, 16:20
Talk Cosmic ray and astrophysics Cosmic-ray and astrophysics 1


Marius Utheim


In order to accurately simulate hadronic cascades through a medium, it is necessary to model hadron-ion collisions with generic hadron species. Pythia has recently added support for hadron-nucleon collisions, along with a simplified toy model for generalizing this to the hadron-ion case. In this talk, I present these developments, including ongoing work to interface it with CORSIKA8, and discuss how the Angantyr framework (Pythia’s module for heavy ion collisions) can be extended to give a more accurate description of hadron-ion collisions. I also present some new features of the Angantyr framework that may be relevant to cosmic rays, such as rope formation, which has been shown to give rise to strangeness enhancement.

Preferred track Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics
Subfield Heavy-ion theory
Attending in-person? Yes

Primary author

Presentation materials