31 July 2022 to 5 August 2022
Europe/London timezone

PHENIX measurements of heavy flavor production and flow in Au+Au collisions

1 Aug 2022, 18:20
Poster + flash-talk Poster Session


Mr Brandon Blankenship (PHENIX)


Mass ordering is expected for energy loss of quarks traversing the quark gluon plasma (QGP). Gluon bremsstrahlung is the dominant mechanism for light quark energy loss; however, both radiative and collisional energy loss must be considered for heavy quarks. At low transverse momentum these mechanisms have significant quark mass dependence. Therefore, separated charm and beauty measurements are necessary to disentangle these effects. In addition, analysis of the azimuthal anisotropy in the production of heavy flavor particles and quarkonia may give insights in the interactions of the charm and beauty quarks with the medium, e.g. – if they equilibrate with the QGP or if they remain distinct from the bulk system.

PHENIX has lepton identification and silicon vertex detectors both in the central and forward/backward rapidity regions, which allow for displaced vertex analysis of the charm and bottom hadron decays, and the reconstruction of quarkonia. We will present measurements of the nuclear modification factors and elliptic flow of heavy flavor particles and the J/psi mesons. These results will be put in the context of energy loss mechanisms and heavy flavor dynamics in the QGP.

Preferred track Hadronic Issues in Heavy-Flavour Physics
Subfield Heavy-ion experiment
Attending in-person? Yes
On behalf of collaboration? PHENIX


Presentation materials