We present a method of merging the exclusive LO-matched high energy resummation of High Energy Jets (HEJ) with the parton shower of Pythia which preserves the accuracy of the LO cross sections and the logarithmic accuracy of both resummation schemes across all of phase space. Predictions produced with this merging prescription are presented with comparisons to data from previous experimental...
The LHCb detector at the LHC offers unique coverage of forward rapidities for studies of Central Exclusive Production (CEP) and soft QCD. CEP measurements allow the investigation of the nature of pomerons, and provide constraints on low-x gluon phenomenology, probing potential saturation effects. Moreover LHCb can test phenomenological models of soft QCD processes, by measuring the production...
We calculate the one-loop corrections to dihadron production in DIS at small x using the Color Glass Condensate effective theory of QCD to describe the target dynamics. We show that UV and soft divergences cancel while collinear divergences are absorbed into hadron fragmentation functions. The rapidity divergences lead to JIMWLK evolution of dipoles and quadrupoles in terms of which the...