The strong interaction of quarks and gluons is governed by quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The QCD Lagrangian contains a theta-term that describes the topological feature of the gluon field of the vacuum. Interactions with this term will change the relative numbers of left- and right-handed quarks and antiquarks. This chirality imbalance will yield an electric current along a strong magnetic...
The inherent characteristic of parton energy losses, both radiative and collisional, in QGP is the evident flavor dependence. Experimentally observed suppression mass ordering, as well as comprehensively studied dead-cone effect in radiative energy loss, encouraged us to address the mass hierarchy in heavy flavor suppression more thoroughly.
With this goal in mind, we employ the recently...
Fast local thermalization of gluons and quarks characterizes the initial stages of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. For a theoretical description, effective weakly-coupled kinetic theories that rely on the quantum Boltzmann equation have been proposed and solved numerically. In the present work, I aim to account for the time evolution during the rapid equilibration of partons through a...
The blast-wave (BW) pt spectrum model has been applied extensively to nucleus-nucleus collision data at a variety of collision energies since commencement of the sulfur-beam program at the SPS. Initially, BW model analysis was intended as one means to demonstrate formation of a dense flowing medium or quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in more-central A-A collisions. In recent years the BW model has...