Physics Education and Outreach
- Marina Kozhevnikova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
Physics Education and Outreach
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Physics Education and Outreach
- There are no conveners in this block
Physics Education and Outreach
- There are no conveners in this block
Physics Education and Outreach
- There are no conveners in this block
The International Masterclass - Hands on Particle Physics is an outreach event proposed by the International Particle Physics Outreach Group since 2004. Its traditional format had a worldwide success during the last years, reaching thousands of high school students and introducing them to the world of particle physics.
During the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemics forced all the groups...
μΝet aims for the deployment and long-term operation of an extensive school network of educational Cosmic Ray telescopes in the geographical area of Peloponnese. In the framework of μNet, an extended educational program will take place, encompassing educational activities for the construction, testing and operation of μCosmics (microCosmics) detectors, as well as for the remote operation of...
The CMS experiment is a collaboration of 242 institutions from 54 countries, and it consists of a community of about 5400 physicists, students, computer scientists, engineers and technicians. As such, diversity is integral to the success of our collaboration. The CMS Diversity Office (DO) is a committee that works to promote diversity as a value for the collaboration, as well as improving the...
The Czech Academy of Sciences project entitled Open Science offers one-year internships for selected secondary school students. It announces many topics from different scientific fields. For already several years we use this programme to attract students to study physics. In a small group consisting of one to three students they learn basics of the high energy physics. Virtual visits of the...