Anomalies and Precision in the Belle II Era - Workshop

from Monday 6 September 2021 (09:25) to Wednesday 8 September 2021 (18:05)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
6 Sept 2021
7 Sept 2021
8 Sept 2021
Registration (until 09:55) ()
Opening session (until 11:00) ()
10:00 Welcome from the organizers - gianluca inguglia   ()
10:15 Belle II Status and Prospects (Remote) - Alessandro Gaz (KMI, Nagoya University)   ()
Break (until 11:30) ()
Session on b->qll transitions (until 18:05) ()
11:30 b->sll transitions at LHCb (Remote) - Mitesh Patel (Imperial College (GB))   ()
12:00 Global fit (Remote) - Nazila Mahmoudi (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I (FR))   ()
12:30 b->dll transitions - Aleksey Rusov (University of Durham)   ()
12:50 --- Lunch break ---
14:30 b->sll transitions at Belle II, status and prospects (Remote) - Seema Choudhury (IIT Hyderabad)   ()
15:00 New Physics in b->sll transitions - Joe Davighi (University of Cambridge)   ()
15:30 B-physics and anomalies with the ATLAS detector (Remote) - Marcella Bona (Queen Mary University of London (UK))   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
16:30 b->snunu transitions at Belle II (Remote) - Mr Filippo Dattola (DESY)   ()
16:50 New physics implications of B->K*nunu - Rusa Mandal (Siegen University)   ()
17:10 LFV b->sll' transitions at Belle and Belle II (Remote) - Dr Gaetano De Marino (IJCLAB)   ()
17:30 New physics MC generators for B -> K* l+ l- decays (Remote) - Alexei Sibidanov (University of Victoria)   ()
Session on b->clnu transitions (until 12:50) ()
09:00 Fits to B->D*lnu with novel techniques to determine |Vcb| and form factor (Remote) - Daniel Ferlewicz (The University of Melbourne)   ()
09:20 A_FB in semileptonic decays at Belle II - Manca Mrvar (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
09:40 b->ctaunu overview and Belle II prospects - Luka Santelj (Jozef Stefan Institute)   ()
10:10 --- Stretch your legs ---
10:20 The R(D(*)) anomaly and new physics (Remote) - Monika Blanke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   ()
10:50 New physics fits with HAMMER: ingredients, future combinations, and sensitivity - Florian Bernlochner (Bonn)   ()
11:10 --- Coffee Break ---
11:40 The Cabibbo angle anomaly - Matthew Kirk (La Sapienza and INFN Roma1)   ()
12:10 Probing the generic flavour structure of semileptonic operators - Dr Jacky Kumar (TU Munich)   ()
12:30 New physics in pp->ee - Claudio Andrea Manzari (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   ()
Session on tau lepton (until 11:50) ()
09:00 Tau Physics experimental status and prospects - Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, sezione di Pisa)   ()
09:30 Overview of tau physics at Belle II (Remote) - Ami Rostomyan (DESY)   ()
10:00 LFU test in leptonic/hadronic tau decays at Belle II - Petar Kevin Rados (DESY)   ()
10:20 --- Coffee Break ---
10:50 tau->l phi and tau -> lll at Belle II (Remote) - Dr Alberto Martini (DESY)   ()
11:10 Connecting tau to other anomalies - Claudia Cornella (Universität Zürich)   ()
11:30 Leptoquarks - Clara Murgui   ()
Break (until 12:00) ()
Break (until 14:00) ()
Session on g-2 (until 15:15) ()
14:00 Muon g-2, experiment+theory (Remote) - Dominik Stoeckinger (TU Dresden)   ()
14:30 tau g-2 in tau decays and other probes of lepton flavour (Remote) - Matteo Fael (KIT Karlsruhe)   ()
15:00 Neutrino magnetic moments (Remote) - Vedran Brdar (MPIK Heidelberg)   ()
Break (until 15:45) ()
Belle II Virtual Reality (until 16:45) ()
Dark sectors (until 17:00) ()
12:00 Connecting dark sector with other anomalies (Remote) - Marco Fedele (KIT)   ()
12:30 Heavy neutral leptons - Michele Tammaro   ()
12:50 --- Lunch break ---
14:05 Dark matter at the GeV scale and searches at low-energy experiments (Remote) - Felix Kahlhoefer (RWTH Aachen)   ()
14:30 Dark sector searches at Belle (Remote) - Thomas Czank (IPMU)   ()
14:50 Dark sector searches at Belle II - Laura Zani (CPPM - Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)   ()
15:15 Missing energy and displaced vertices at Belle II - Michel Bertemes (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
15:35 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 Axion-like particles at flavour experiments (Remote) - Sophie Renner (SISSA)   ()
16:20 GAZELLE - physics potential of proposed LLP detector for Belle II - Anastasiia Filimonova (Nikhef)   ()
16:40 Dark sector and new ideas for LLP searches at LHCb (Remote) - Xabier Cid Vidal (Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías)   ()
Closing session (until 18:00) ()
17:15 From Belle to Belle II and beyond (Remote) - Thomas Browder (University of Hawaii)   ()
17:50 Closing remarks - gianluca inguglia   ()