Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) are well known for their excellent position resolution, high rate handling and discharge handling capability among Micro-Pattern gaseous detectors (MPGDs). GEM detectors are used for large scale tracking and imaging application of charge particles like muons. The GEM detectors consist of GEM foil which acts as amplifiers and different combinations of these foils...
Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) are being used in High Energy Nuclear Physics experiments as a tracking device due to its high rate handling capability and good spatial resolution. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is one of the advanced members of the MPGD group which is capable of handling high particle rate (∼ 1 MHz/mm$^{2}$ ) and has excellent position resolution (∼ 100 µm)....
We present comparative simulation results for single, double, and triple layer GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) GPD (Gas Pixel Detector) systems, along with some preliminary quadruple layer results, using Garfield++ and ANSYS field solver. With a multi-GEM layer structure, of up to 5 layers, a very high effective gain (up to 10^6 in some gases) can be attained with each GEM layer working at an...
It is important to be able to correctly estimate the electric field, current, and potential distribution in RPC in order to envisage the working of the device. This is useful in optimizing its design and operation for specific applications. We have performed a calculation of the electric field current and potential distribution of RPC from the first principle using the finite element method on...
Lab Name: SQC, Centre for Detector and Related Software Technology (CDRST), Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi
After the development of the Micro Strip Gaseous Chamber (MSGC) based on the semi-conductor
technology processes, the genesis of the gaseous detectors has undergone a rapid evolution leading
to spatial, temporal and energy resolution, rate capability, radiation hardness etc. This evolution has
ushered in a new genre of micro-structured devices, commonly known as Micro-Pattern...
A systematic study of the absolute gain of a prototype quad-GEM detector at different gas flow rates is carried out. The gain uniformity at the various segment of the detector is also investigated. The active surface area (10 cm x 10 cm) of the detector is divided into 64 zones of equal area (1.25 cm x 1.25 cm), and each zone is irradiated with a collimated Fe$^{55}$ X-ray source. A constant...
The time-dependent variation of detector response in MPGDs, especially THGEMs, is one of the challenging problem that has been attributed to the “charging up” and “charging down” processes of insulating materials present in these detector. Experimental studies of stabilization of gain with time due to these phenomena in argon-based mixtures under various experimental conditions have been given...
The primary ionization is an important part of study in nuclear and particle physics experiments.
In high rate experiments [1], the primary ionization is helpful in deep understanding of the
discharge formation and charge density studies. The primary ionization was obtained from the
simulation of alpha source to estimate discharge probability using single and triple GEM
configuration in...
The standard gas mixture for avalanche mode operation of Resistive Plate Chamber is prepared using a major proportion of R134a along with a small amount of i-C$_4$H$_{10}$ as a photon quenching component. In addition, a minute amount of SF6 is used for streamer suppression. Both of the R134a and SF$_6$ gases are known for their large global warming potential which casts harmful effect on the...
The position sensitivity of a double-sided germanium strip detector has been studied using the coincidence method. The coincidences were demanded between an imaging scanner and a position-sensitive planar segmented germanium detector, comprising 10x10 electrical segmentation in orthogonal directions, using a positron source. The imaging scanner consists of a LYSO scintillation crystal coupled...
Lab name: Medical Imaging Lab.
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
I will give an overview of the Thick-GEM based WELL detectors and the phenomenon of electrical discharges in them. The effectiveness of using resistive plate in mitigating discharges will be presented next. We developed a tool to produce localized discharges inside the detector to study its effect on the detector performance. I will present the effect of feeble discharges on the performance of...
We are developing position-sensitive detectors based on Cerium doped Lanthanum Bromide(LaBr3:Ce), Gadolinium Aluminium Gallium Garnet (Gd₃Al₂Ga₃O₁₂:Ce, GAGG), and lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate (Lu1.8Y.2SiO5:Ce, LYSO) crystals coupled with the position-sensitive photo-multipliers for the gamma-ray imaging application. Some of these detectors have been tested for energy, timing, and position...
A cosmic ray air shower array consisting of 7 plastic scintillation detectors is commissioned at an altitude of about 2200 meters above sea
level in the Eastern Himalayas (Darjeeling). The main goal is to study the origin, composition, and direction of primary cosmic rays at high altitudes. The detector array has a structure of the hexagon. Six detectors are kept at the vertices of a hexagon...
Multilayer insulation (MLI) is a robust passive thermal protection system which is widely used as cryogenic thermal insulation technique in high vacuum environments for minimization of radiation heat load to the cryogenic systems. It has it’s applications in both, space cryogenics exploration programs as well as on the ground based programs also. There are various heat transfer modes through...
We present the measurements of the neutron response in ISMRAN (Indian Scintillator Matrix for Reactor Anti-Neutrinos) set up consisting of an array of 9×10 Plastic Scintillator Bars at BARC, Mumbai. ISMRAN is an above ground set up at ~13m from Dhruva reactor core for the detection of reactor based anti-neutrinos via inverse beta decay process. The ISMRAN setup will be shielded by a 10...
A thick gaseous electron multiplier based gas detector, operated at low pressures ~3-4 torrs of isobutane gas is being designed and developed at VECC. The detector shall be used for the detection of highly ionised fission fragments in experimental studies of fusion fission dynamics. The prototype detector consists of three planes, a GEM based anode sandwiched between two wire plane cathodes....
Nuclear and particle physics experiments at high energies, often referred to as High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments, study the constituents of matter and their fundamental interactions. By colliding proton on proton or heavy-ions, such as, Au on Au or Pb on Pb at relativistic energies; one creates conditions that are prevalent within a microsecond after the birth of our universe. These...
Lab: HEP Detector laboratory, Bose Institute, Kolkata
In Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, the combination of more detectors
is used to reconstruct the particle trajectories, measure their momentum, and identifying
particle species. To optimize the apparatus and understand its performance, indispensable
ingredients are Monte-Carlo (MC) Simulations. This talk will give an overview of MC
simulation in High Energy Physics (HEP)...
The Active-Target Time Project Chamber (AT-TPC) is used in the field of low-energy nuclear physics to study nuclear reactions by tracking the reaction products. The primary ionization produced by charged products along their track in the active gas volume of the TPC can be utilized for track reconstruction. The primary electrons are multiplied in the applied electric field and collected over a...
In recent times, experiments with rare isotope beams at accelerators around the world have provided several exciting results in nuclear physics and astrophysics. The experiments involve unstable and even unbound nuclei, low beam intensities, highly granular and efficient detectors arrays. Monte Carlo simulations play a pivotal role in the successful planning as well as data analysis of such...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment is one of the core experiments at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in GSI Darmstadt, Germany. The experiment aims to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter at the high net-baryon densities and moderate temperatures. It has been designed to handle unprecedented interaction rates (up to 10 MHz) of Au+Au...
By the end of the year 2022, the LHC is expected to reach a total integrated luminosity of $300 fb^{-1}$ of the data. The high luminosity upgrade of the LHC is foreseen during a third long shutdown to further increase the instantaneous luminosity to $5\times10^{-34} cm^{-2}sec^{-1}$. The muon system of CMS detector consists of DTs in barrel, CSCs in the endcaps and RPCs that provide redundant...
Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) is a proposed silicon-tungsten (Si-W) sampling type electromagnetic calorimeter as a part of the ALICE collaboration’s upgrade program at CERN. For the active silicon layers in FoCal, a large area (∼ 40 cm2) silicon pad sensor with an individual pad size of ∼ 1 cm2 is proposed with challenging requirements like low leakage current and high breakdown voltage....
We present the Focusing Aerogel RICH-detector (FARICH) concept based on 2009-2014 studies of a FARICH prototype detector for the ALICE experiment at CERN. The aim of the project was to develop a prototype detector that would extend the momentum range of charged particle identification: up to 10 GeV/c for pion-kaon separation and up to 14 GeV/c for kaon-proton separation at the ALICE HMPID...
LHC open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the standard model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) of the CMS detector has plays an important role in the physics program of the experiment, delivering outstanding performance throughout data taking. Such...
There are ample convincing evidences based on gravitational effects point to the existence of dark matter (DM) though the particle properties of DM is unknown. Many theories suggest that Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are one of the most promising candidates for DM with masses varies from few MeV to few hundred of TeV. It could be observed directly via direct detection of DM...
The Mitchell Institute Neutrino Experiment at Reactor (MINER) at Texas A$\&$M University, USA is a reactor based neutrino experiment which aims to measure coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS) where a neutrino interacts with a nucleus as a whole creating a nuclear recoil [1, 2]. One of the main challenges for this experiment is to deploy detectors capable of...
We will discuss the Micro-Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) which is a recently developed gas-filled detector in the series of Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) and Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC). MPGD have some characteristics which make it suitable to use in medical diagnosis & prevention techniques. MPGD uses a fine readout electrode structure, so it can obtain much higher spatial resolution...
The Present study is proposed to explore the effect of continuous long term exposure of non ionizing radiations (NIR) on human health. With the population explosion and technology advancement, the requirement of wireless gazettes is also increasing. Consequently, the base transceiver station (BTS) are increasing in the similar way. Therefore, more and more population of humans is being exposed...
A liquid which maintains its liquid state above its boiling point is called the superheated liquid. It is a metastable state of the liquid. The superheated state can be reached by slowly increasing the temperature or by slowly reducing the pressure starting from its liquid state. The superheated state moves to a more stable vapour state by a small disturbances as a consequence of thermal...
Nuclear and particle physics instrumentation often requires lots of NIM based modules and lengthy cables for setting up experiments. Data Acquisition modules with FPGA are used as alternatives. But FPGA modules are expensive and require expertise handling. To address this issue a Cost effective, compact and user friendly Data acquisition module using FPGA was developed. This miniature module...
Measurements and Simulation of background radiation
at JUSL and Simulation of Nuclear Recoils due to
Supernova Neutrino-induced neutrons in liquid Xenon
Sayan Ghosh
Rare event search experiments require very careful simulations, in addition to accurate measurements
of ambient radiation contribution from radioactive decay and nuclear processes in the surrounding...
Rare event search experiments require very careful simulations, in addition to accurate measurements
of ambient radiation contribution from radioactive decay and nuclear processes in the surrounding rock
components as well as from charged cosmic rays. A new underground laboratory has been set up at 555 m
(∼1.6 km water equivalent) vertical depth, with the vision of undertaking future...