The Non-Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL) concept compares and scales the damage impacted on semiconductor devices in different radiation fields. A particular weakness of the present NIEL concept consists in the inability to predict the different formation rates of cluster and point defects in the silicon (Si) crystal for different particles and particle energies. Specifically, differences between...
Carrier lifetime profiles, measured by diode (PIN and LGAD) edge scanning of microwave probed photoconductivity transients, are considered. The obtained carrier lifetime profiles are compared with the electrical (C V, I V) characteristics obtained on the same structures. It is shown that carrier lifetime variations correspond to the dopant density variations extracted using C-V characteristics...
This study is based on the IV, CV and CCE measurements of p-type Schottky diodes with 50 µm epitaxial layer to investigate the radiation bulk damage. Non-irradiated and various neutron irradiated (1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15 and 1e16 [1MeV n_eq/cm^2]) diodes are being tested at RAL and Carleton University. Properties extracted from the measurements have been used in the TCAD simulations. In this...
Irradiation damages of the n-type silicon have been investigated for a long time, but not for the p-type silicon. This study is to investigate and improve the modeling and understanding of irradiation damage of epitaxial p-type silicon using Schottky diodes and pn junctions exposed to high neutron fluence up to 1e16 1 MeV n_eq/cm^2. This is a continuation of an ongoing project.
This talk...
Multistage impact ionization in Si detectors observed in the unique conditions of the in situ irradiation with 23 GeV proton beam fragmented into 400 ms spills and T = 1.9 K was analyzed using the current pulse responses of detectors irradiated to medium fluences. Within the range 5x10^13 - 2.7x10^14 p/cm2, the responses demonstrated two-stage and three-stage processes of charge collection,...
Two types of high resistivity p-type FZ diodes with p-stop and p-spray isolation between the pad and the guard ring were irradiated with 60Co gamma-rays. The dose values were 10, 20, 100, and 200 Mrad. In this work microscopic (TSC) as well as macroscopic (I-V, C-V) studies on isothermal heat treatments at 80 °C and isochronal annealing from 80 °C up to 300 °C were performed and analyzed for...
The effects of Fe-implantation on the electrical characteristics of Au/p-Si Schottky barrier diodes (SBD) were studied using current-voltage (I–V) and capacitance-voltage (C–V) techniques. The acquired results showed that the Si-based diodes were well fabricated, and Fe-implantation changed the normal diode's I-V behaviour from typical exponential to ohmic. The ohmic behaviour was described in...
Silicon Microstrips detectors were considered as suitable for charge carrier mobility evaluation from magnetoresistivity (MR) phenomena. The top contacts geometry is potentially similar to Corbino disk, which is also used for MR with Hall electric field elimination. However, the appearance of negative MR caused by nonlinear electric field distribution prompted to search for alternative...
In this work we present 2D charge maps, CCE and timing measurements performed on 3D n-on-n silicon double sided 200µm thick sensors irradiated at different fluency levels, ranging from 1e14neq/cm2 to 1e17neq/cm2 on a TCT setup using different laser intensities, mimicking the height of the signal from a beta-source setup, and some multiples of it. We show CCE above 100% at 1E15neq/cm2 fluency...
Capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements are a widely used technique in
silicon detector physics. However, this only works if the sensor is not too heavily irradiated. After irradiation, the measured CV curves show strong frequency dependencies which is not the case before irradiation and thus, the derived parameters vary over a wide range, indicating that the method is not applicable for such...
Signal reduction is the most important radiation damage effect on performance of
silicon tracking detectors in ATLAS. Adjusting sensor bias voltage and detection threshold can
help in mitigating the effects but it
is important to have simulated data that reproduce the evolution of performance with the
accumulation of luminosity, hence fluence.
ATLAS collaboration developed and...
Neutrons play a key role in many aspects of science and technology. Just to mention some examples, neutrons are responsible for the nucleosynthesis of elements in the stars or the functioning of fission and fusion reactors, but they are also a source of problems due when one considers the damage that they cause to, for instance, cells in radiotherapy cancer treatments or electronics devices in...
Silicon Carbide has interesting properties for high temperature, high radiation environment and timing radiation detector applications due to its thermal conductivity (3.7 W/(cm.°C)), atomic displacement threshold (22-35 eV) and high saturation velocity (2.2e7 cm/s). Silicon Carbide detector diodes have been fabricated in IMB-CNM with epitaxially-grown graphene onto Silicon Carbide (EG-SiC) as...
4H-SiC devices could potentially operate in a harsh radiation and room-temperature environment because of its wider band gap, atomic displacement threshold energy and high thermal conductivity. We have simulated the IV, CV characteristics and gain efficiencies of 4H-SiC devices based on DEVSIM——an open source TCAD semiconductor device simulator. The reliability of the software can be verified...
Silicon carbide is a new type of semiconductor, and it is widely used in
optoelectronic devices, power electronic devices and other fields. Compared to
silicon semiconductor, silicon carbide has wider band gap, higher breakdown electric field, higher thermal conductivity and can stand greater irradiation.
We are planning to use silicon carbide device to make a proton beam monitoring...
A radiation tolerance study of planar diodes fabricated on a SiC substrate will be presented. TPA-TCT and TRIBIC methods were used to characterize the samples. The measurement campaign was carried out at the laser facility of the EHU-UPV university and the CNA microbeam.
Silicon Carbide (SiC) has been known for more than 100 years and was investigated as detector material already 20 years ago. Nowadays, it gets again attention and momentum since the chip industries started to use SiC as substrate material for energy-efficient power devices to foster the energy revolution.
Silicon Carbide particle detectors have some advantageous properties compared to...
Neutrons interacting in silicon detectors generate ionization signals due to nuclear reactions. Nuclear ejectiles are tipically ions and alpha particles that are absorbed in the detector volume, depositing all their energy. Lasers focused into the detectors can also generate similar ionization signals. Here we present a cross-calibration of neutron and pulsed laser signals from detectors. The...
In this talk we will present the impact of training of two early career researchers from University of Montenegro. The training was organized during summer 2022 and lasts 4 weeks: one week at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana as part of scientific collaboration between two RD50 member teams (from Slovenia and Montenegro), and 3 weeks at the EU laser infrastructure ELI Beamlines as part...
The resistive read-out AC-coupled LGAD sensors are characterized by internal gain and built-in charge sharing, which can be exploited to achieve unprecedented concurrent time and position resolution. We have recently completed the studies of the 4D-tracking capabilities of the second RSD production manufactured at FBK (RSD2).
In this presentation we are summarizing the results obtained for...
Future innermost tracker detectors will require an enhanced spatial ($<$ 10 $\mu$m) and temporal resolution (50 ps per hit) along with an increased radiation hardness up to fluences of $10^{17}$n$_{eq}$cm$^{-2}$. To mitigate these challenges, a new silicon sensor concept is proposed, providing internal gain without relying on doping, the Silicon Electron Multiplier (SiEM). The SiEM...
Silicon sensors in particle physics experiments like those at the Large Hadron Collider must be able to withstand extreme radiation doses. 3D sensor technology is one of the most promising radiation-hard silicon detector technologies. 3D sensors are currently used in the ATLAS detector, but even more radiation-hard sensors must be developed for future collider experiments. Characterization...
In this contribution, we present the preliminary results from a new batch of radiation-resistant silicon sensors in production at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, Italy). The design of the sensors exploits the recently observed saturation of radiation damage effects on silicon, together with the usage of thin substrates, intrinsically less affected by radiation. To cope with the small signal...
The Two Photon Absorption – Transient Current Technique (TPA-TCT) setup at CERN uses a 430 fs pulse fiber lasers, with a wavelength of 1550 nm, which is in the quadratic absorption regime of silicon. Highly focusing optics are used to only generate excess charge carriers in a small volume (approximately 1µm × 1µm × 20µm) around the focal point of the laser beam, which enables a resolution in...
The talk will present the status of the Two Photon Absorption TCT system at JSI Ljubljana. The setup has been equipped with an imaging system for beam location. TPA-TCT was used to characterize an active pixel in the RD50-MPW2 CMOS chip. An attempt to induce Single Event Burnout (SEB) events in irradiated LGAD samples will also be presented.
Here we present new insights into the effects of LGAD gain suppression obtained using Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) technique with the ion microprobe setup at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. This experimental setup allows us to investigate properties of the signal induced by single ions in the MeV energy range, and thus probe charge transport in the detector at spatial and temporal scales...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) represent a remarkable advance in high energy particle detection, since they provide a moderate increase (gain ~10) of the collected charge, thus leading to a notable improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio, which largely extends the possible application of Silicon detectors beyond their present working field. The optimum detection performance requires a...
We present results of a systematic characterization of the novel Trench-Isolated LGAD (TI-LGAD) technology using a radioactive beta source setup as well as a test beam. New results from a TCT setup are presented and compared with previous ones. The devices under study belong to the first production of pixelated TI-LGADs at FBK carried out in the framework of the RD50 collaboration. The TI-LGAD...
We will present an update of the latest AC-LGAD run at CNM. Showing the electrical characteristics of the devices and charge collection studies using the TCT.
Exploiting their excellent timing resolution, Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) were chosen for next-generation timing detectors at the HL-LHC and other high-energy experiments. When in operation, the detectors will be exposed to high rates of radiation, hence their radiation hardness is one of the key factors to be optimised during detector development. In this talk, we will present...
In the last few years, Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) have demonstrated their outstanding performance when detecting high-energy charged particles. However, the very nature of electrons and holes under avalanche multiplication highlights that this good performance is diminished when they are to detect low penetrating particles (e.g. low-energy protons or soft x-rays). A novel design of an...
We present the results of the Radiation Tolerance Study (Electrical and Radioactive Source characterization) performed at the IFCA on Carbonated-Enriched Gain-Layer and Standar Gain-Layer small sensors (single diode) from the Run #15246 production of CNM-IMB.
In order to understand better the performance of LGADs, in particular in terms of gain and breakdown voltage, it is important to know with high precision the structure of the devices and have a very accurate impact ionization model. There are several impact ionization models in the literature and many studies have been done in this respect, but no one is able to fit the empirical data taken in...
A set of unirradiated LGADs from the HPK prototype 2 run for HGTD were used to determine the impact ionization parameters for silicon, particularly in the electric field range of ∼30 V/μm which is of interest for LGADs. The parameters' dependence on temperature was determined. Their validity on irradiated sensors up to 2.5E15 cm$^{-2}$ was also tested.
The IHEP-IME version 2 and 3 sensors with shallow carbon were irradiated up to 2 MGy by Co60 gamma ray. The performance of the IHEP-IME v2 W7 with carbon worked well after irradiation which satisfied the requirements of the HGTD. The effect of different gaps on radiation hardness were also studied. The leakage current, inter-pad resistance and capacitance were tested before and after irradiation.
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) are silicon detectors with modest internal gain (up to ~50) that allows the sensor to be very thin (20-50 um). LGADs are characterized by an extremely good time resolution (down to 17ps), a fast rise time (~500ps) and a very high repetition rate (~1ns full charge collection). In a broad array of fields, including particle physics (4-D tracking) and photon...
In recent years, AC-coupled Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (AC-LGAD) proved to be excellent candidates for the construction of a true 4D detector: thanks to their signal sharing capabilities, AC-LGADs can achieve a space resolution better than (pitch)/√12 and a time resolution better than 30 ps in a single sensing element. Such performance, confirmed during data-taking campaigns at test beams,...
Due to 3D microscopic resolution of Two Phpoton Absorption - TCT technique this method is often favorized in study of the surface structures of LGAD and in study of charge transport because it generates charge in very small macroscopic volume. However, excellent optics of TCT-SPA set up at the ELI Beamlines and excellent focus of beam, makes SPA method also as a very powerful tool for...
In this talk we present the results from our study where different regions of segmented LGAD are illuminated with femtosecond laser from ELI Beamlines: pad, interpad and ring. To ensure the different initial conditions in regard to charge density (initially generated), the laser power has been varied. The signal shape from pad was compared to the signal shape from interpad (gain to gain...
In this presentation we will show the results from our IP study on trenched LGDAs, so called TI-LGAD using Two-Photon Absorption - TCT technique. The study has been performed at ELI Beamlines.
We recently received 2 housings with W11-A1 and W11-A2 sensors from JSI. and two sensors have been tested. Systematic and comprehensive study is accomplished with many control plots. Due to short...
The upgrade of the current Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will increase the luminosity of the LHC by a factor of 10. Therefore, fast timing detectors with high radiation tolerance are required. Low gain avalanche detectors (LGADs) are promising candidates with timing resolutions within tens of picoseconds. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK) and...
Current trackers and accelerators are populated with silicon detectors which give excellent resolution and time performance and they can withstand high radiation damage. The fabrication of large area silicon detectors such as strips are currently limited to microelectronics foundries since they fabricate a full large area detector (more than 10cm2) with a single mask set. To evaluate the...
In high energy physics, the silicon pixel sensors manufactured in commercial CMOS chip fabrication lines have been proven to have good radiation hardness and spatial resolution. Along with the mature manufacturing techniques and the potential of large throughput provided by the foundries, the so-called "passive CMOS" sensor has become an interesting alternative to standard planer sensors.
RD50-MPW3, the third HV-CMOS sensor chip iteration designed by the RD50 CMOS Working Group, was delivered during the summer of 2022. RD50-MPW3 has a matrix of 64 × 64 pixels which integrate both analogue and digital readout electronics inside each of them. An optimised digital readout peripheral for effective chip configuration and fast data transmission is included in this chip.
This contribution is a continuation of the talk “RD50-MPW3: Design and initial laboratory evaluation”. This presentation focuses on the readout of the chip including the DAQ framework and preliminary testbeam results, thus it is discussing a distinct topic.
The readout framework is based on the Caribou system (as for our previous chips as well) and details about firmware, data flow and...
Particle detectors systems need state of the art Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ) as backend. This paper presents a new DAQ that handle up to 4 hybrid detectors simultaneously, in a client-server data architecture, oriented to particle tracking experiments. The system is designed for the ROC4SENS read-out chip but is easily adaptable to other pixel detectors. The DAQ is based on a...
We present here the mapping of charge collection efficiency for the MPW2 monolithic detector using the TPA-TCT technique in z-scan mode. The TPA-TCT mappings show the non-homogeneities of the detector pixel electric field due to the biasing and to the presence of microelectronic structures at different depths.The work demonstrate the usefulness of the TPA-TCT mapping to assess the quality of a...
High Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) sensors are thin, radiation tolerant and cost-effective position sensitive detectors that have the potential to be the prime candidate for particle tracking applications in the next generation of high energy colliders. The high bias voltage typical of these sensors (~60 V) allows for fast charge collection times, by drift, and good radiation tolerance; combined with...
In this contribution, the performance of a Resistive Silicon Detector (RSD) measured with 4 GeV electrons at the DESY beam test facility is presented. The device-under-test comes from the second RSD production manufactured at FBK (RSD2). The RSD2 sensors feature a different design with respect to the previous production (RSD1), in order to improve the sharing of signals produced by ionizing...