2nd International Stardust Conference -------------------- STARCON 2 --------------------

from Monday 7 November 2022 (08:00) to Friday 11 November 2022 (18:00)
ESA ESTEC (Newton meeting room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Nov 2022
8 Nov 2022
9 Nov 2022
10 Nov 2022
11 Nov 2022
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Angelo Cervone (Delft University of Technology) (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Opening - Bojan Novaković (Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade)   (Newton meeting room)
09:30 KEYNOTE - Design of components and small satellites for critical missions. - Bert Monna   (Newton meeting room)
10:15 ARGOTEC Technologies serving Exploration of Asteroids - Valerio Di Tana   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde) (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Opening - Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
09:30 KEYNOTE - AI-controlled Space Traffic. An overview of AI applications for Space Traffic Management - Jesus Tirado   (Newton meeting room)
10:15 All vs All Conjunction Detection - Clara Grassi   (Newton meeting room)
10:30 A Deep Learning-based Framework for Operational All-vs-All Conjunction Screening using Iterative Transfer Learning - Emma Stevenson   (Newton meeting room)
10:45 Close encounter decision-making: comparing CASSANDRA and CNES operational processes - Luis Sanchez (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Angelo Cervone (Delft University of Technology) (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 CubeSats towards outer space: solutions and challenges for the propulsion subsystem - Paola De Carlo (T4i)   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 Perspectives for Nitrous Oxide-based Green Bi-Propellants for Small Satellites Beyond LEO - Bastiaan Bom   (Newton meeting room)
12:30 Combined Crosslink Radiometric and Optical Navigation for Distributed Deep-Space Systems - Stefano Casini   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde) (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 Debris risk metrics and orbital capacity: from technical assessments to policy tools" - Francesca Letizia (European Space Agency (ESA))   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 Fast and reliable computation of the instantaneous orbital collision probability - Matthieu Masson   (Newton meeting room)
12:15 Multi-Static Radar for Manoeuvre Detection - Simao da Graca Marto (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
12:30 Operational challenges for collision avoidance operations - Jan Siminski (ESA/ESOC)   (Newton meeting room)
12:45 Growth of the European STM Industrial Landscape: the GMV Case - Jesús Tirado (GMV)   (Newton meeting room)
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Francesco Topputo (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Opening - Francesco Topputo   (Newton meeting room)
09:30 KEYNOTE - Orbital Dynamics around Asteroids - Xiyun Hou (Nanjing University, China)   (Newton meeting room)
10:00 Asteroid Rendezvous Trajectory Optimization with Stochastic Convex Optimization Approach - Tomohiro Ishizuka   (Newton meeting room)
10:15 Dynamical modeling and characteristic analysis of orbits around a comet - Yuchen He   (Newton meeting room)
10:30 Monte Carlo Tree Search for Autonomous Small Body Science Operations - Adam Herrmann (University of Colorado, Boulder)   (Newton meeting room)
10:45 Near-Optimal Finite-Thrust Orbital Control Near A Binary Asteroid System - Zicen Xiong   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Alessandra Celletti (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Opening - Alessandra Celletti   (Newton meeting room)
09:30 LUNISOLAR RESONANCES - OLD BUT NOT OBSOLETE. - Sławomir Breiter (Astronomical Observatory Institute, Adam Mickiewicz University)   (Newton meeting room)
10:15 Chaos in the Geminid meteoroid stream - Ariane Courtot   (Newton meeting room)
10:30 Computation of Proper Elements. Reconnecting Groups of Simulated Space Debris - Tudor Vartolomei   (Newton meeting room)
10:45 Secular Lunisolar Resonances in the MEO Region and the Eccentricity Growth Phenomenon - Edoardo Legnaro (Academy of Athens, University of Thessaloniki)   (Newton meeting room)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Francesco Topputo (until 13:05) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 KEYNOTE - Unveiling Didymos mysteries: the Hera mission - Ian Carnelli (European Space Agency)   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 Semi-autonomous navigation and gravity estimation around small bodies - Julio C. Sanchez (Universidad de Sevilla / University of Colorado Boulder)   (Newton meeting room)
12:15 Bennunet - Applying Deep Learning for Optical Relative Navigation of an Asteroid - Alfredo Escalante López   (Newton meeting room)
12:30 Enhanced Vision-Based Algorithms about Small-Bodies: Lessons learned from the Stardust-R experience - Mattia Pugliatti (Politecnico di Milano)   (Newton meeting room)
12:45 Kinetic Impact Planetary Defense Demonstration Mission Concept via Resonant Orbit Transfers. - Mingtao Li (National Space Science Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences)   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Catalin Gales (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 Keynote - Natural perturbations as allies for space debris mitigation and long-term sustainability: the case of the solar radiation pressure - oblateness coupled effect. - Elisa Maria Alessi (IMATI-CNR)   (Newton meeting room)
12:15 Initial orbit Determination of Cislunar Objects using Only Optical Data - Xiyun Hou (Nanjing University, China)   (Newton meeting room)
12:30 Chebyshev-based Polynomial Algebra Monte Carlo Propagation with Generalised Equinoctial Orbital Elements - Mr Max Hallgarten La Casta (Imperial College London)   (Newton meeting room)
12:45 Circumplanetary dust dynamics - Xiaodong Liu   (Newton meeting room)
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Giulio Baù (University of Pisa) Giovanni Gronchi (Università di Pisa) (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Opening - Giulio Baù (University of Pisa) Giovanni Gronchi (Università di Pisa)   (Newton meeting room)
09:35 KEYNOTE - Solving the mystery of disappearing asteroids with telescopic observations, numerical modeling, space missions, and lab experiments - Mikael Granvik   (Newton meeting room)
10:20 Orbit Determination in Large Datasets - Óscar Rodríguez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)   (Newton meeting room)
10:40 Initial orbit determination from one position vector and a very short arc of optical observations - Erica Scantamburlo (Università di Pisa (Dipartimento di Matematica))   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Kurt Schwenk Marko Jankovic (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI)) (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 In-orbit servicing, manufacturing and recycling, Part I - Kurt Schwenk Dr Marko Jankovic (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI))   (Newton meeting room)
09:30 New approaches for orbital robotics at ESA - G. Visentin   (Newton meeting room)
10:15 European Operations Framework - Sebastian Dittrich   (Newton meeting room)
10:30 On-Orbit Servicing initiative in Europe: the EROSS projects suite - Stéphanie BEHAR-LAFENETRE (Thales Alenia Space)   (Newton meeting room)
10:45 Making Active Debris Removal a A Reality: The Clearspace-1 Mission - Jean-Sébastien Ardaens (ClearSpace)   (Newton meeting room)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Giovanni Gronchi (Università di Pisa) Giulio Baù (University of Pisa) (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 Deepening asteroid dynamics in the new era of observations: the project MONASTER (MONitoring ASTERoids) - Giacomo Tommei (University of Pisa)   (Newton meeting room)
11:50 How to estimate the pre-entry mass of meteoroids at the source of large fireballs - Simon Anghel (Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy / IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris)   (Newton meeting room)
12:10 KEYNOTE - Orbit determination at Minor Planet Center, an overview: Recent improvements and future developments - Federica Spoto   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Kurt Schwenk Marko Jankovic (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI)) (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 Astroscale: A Perspective on Space Sustainability and Commercial Debris Removal Servicing - Jason Forshaw (Astroscale)   (Newton meeting room)
11:45 In-Orbit Servicing - building a sustainable space infrastructure - Salvatore Andrea Bella (D-Orbit S.p.A.)   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 ReMoVE – Rendezvous Modelling Visiting and Enhancing - Gabriella Gaias (Politecnico di Milano)   (Newton meeting room)
12:15 The Future of Collaboration and Development of Space Robotics - Esther Rayssiguie (Satellite Applications Catapult)   (Newton meeting room)
12:30 Mechanics & Control of Orbital Robotic Systems from Simulations, to Lab & Flight Experimentation - Marcello Romano (Politecnico di Torino, Italy & Naval Postgraduate School, California, USA)   (Newton meeting room)
12:45 Post-capture estimation of tethered space debris via tension measurements and feature tracking - Eleonora Botta   (Newton meeting room)
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Bojan Novaković (Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade) (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Opening   (Newton meeting room)
09:35 KEYNOTE - Observations of Near-Earth objects - Julia de Leon (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)   (Newton meeting room)
10:20 A Novel Observation Strategy for Asteroids Shape Reconstruction - Edoardo Ciccarelli (University of Surrey)   (Newton meeting room)
10:40 Study of the active asteroid (6478) Gault - Albino Carbognani (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF))   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM -Dr Marko Jankovic (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI)) (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Challenges of pose estimation for future OOS missions - Ksenia Klionovska   (Newton meeting room)
10:00 Continuous Delivery for a Real-Time Robotic Test Facility: Modernization of Facility Monitoring and Control System of the European Proximity Operations Simulator - Matthias Burri (German Aerospace Center (DLR))   (Newton meeting room)
10:15 Experimental Methods for Re-entry Aerothermodynamics Analysis – from Ground Based Measurements to Airborne Detection - Stefan Loehle (University of Stuttgart)   (Newton meeting room)
10:30 Close-range relative navigation with EPOS 6D pose estimator - Karl Martin Kajak (DLR)   (Newton meeting room)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Bojan Novaković (Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade) (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 Activities of the NEO Coordination Centre of ESA’s Planetary Defence Office - Juan L. Cano (ESA)   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 Earth’s temporary satellites – population, observations and prospects - Grigori Fedorets   (Newton meeting room)
12:20 A Monte Carlo evolution model of small main belt asteroids - Marco Fenucci   (Newton meeting room)
12:40 Analysis of co–orbital motion of real asteroid in a medium–term timescale - Sara Di Ruzza   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM -Dr Marko Jankovic (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI)) (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:30 Powder-based additive manufacturing in micro-gravity conditions - Anushanth Karalasingam (University of Edinburgh)   (Newton meeting room)
11:45 Intelligent Characterisation of Satellites from Hyperspectral Time Series Analysis - Lewis Walker (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 Towards Sequential Controller Composition for Robotic Active Debris Removal - Shubham Vyas (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH)   (Newton meeting room)
12:15 Spacecraft Charging Considerations for On-Orbit Servicing and Debris Mitigation in High Earth Orbit - Julian Hammerl (University of Colorado Boulder)   (Newton meeting room)
12:30 How In-Orbit Services are building up a sustainable approach to Space Economy - Francois Mazieres (Infinite Orbits)   (Newton meeting room)
12:45 Calibration of ablation models for atmospheric entry thermal protection systems - Anabel del Val   (Newton meeting room)
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Giovanni Gronchi (Università di Pisa) (until 11:00) (Newton meeting room)
09:30 Opening - Giovanni F. Gronchi (University of Pisa)   (Newton meeting room)
09:35 KEYNOTE - The Hera mission role in the Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA) collaboration - Paolo Tortora (University of Bologna)   (Newton meeting room)
10:20 A dynamical definition of the sphere of influence of the Earth - Irene Cavallari (University of Pisa)   (Newton meeting room)
10:40 Hera proximity operations - trajectories and autonomous navigation around binary asteroid Didymos - Jesus Gil (ESA/ESTEC)   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Andrew Wilson (University of Strathclyde) (until 10:55) (Newton meeting room)
09:15 Opening. - Andrew Wilson (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
09:30 Space sustainability: a dialogue between research, industry and policy makers - Emmanuelle David (EPFL)   (Newton meeting room)
10:15 An Evaluation into the Sustainability of Global Spaceports and the Role of Space Technologies in Supporting Sustainable Practices, - Euan Harvey (GlobalTrust)   (Newton meeting room)
10:35 A Transport Network for In-Orbit Recycling Exploiting Natural Dynamics. - Maria Anna Laino (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Giovanni Gronchi (Università di Pisa) (until 12:50) (Newton meeting room)
11:20 NAROO Program – Precovery observations of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids Naroo - Anne-Charlotte Perlbarg (IMCCE - OBSPM / IPSA)   (Newton meeting room)
11:40 Deflection of potentially dangerous asteroids using the deflection technique by kinetic impact and gravitational perturbations - Bruno Chagas (São Paulo State University (UNESP))   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 Intelligent Decision Support System for NEO Impact Scenarios Identification and Deflection Strategies Selection under Uncertainty - Yirui Wang (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
12:20 A Review of a Multi-Spacecraft Strategy for the Capture of Near-Earth Asteroids - Livia Ionescu   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Andrew Wilson (University of Strathclyde) (until 13:00) (Newton meeting room)
11:20 The Strathclyde Space Systems Database (SSSD). - Andrew Wilson (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
11:40 Life-cycle and atmospheric impact analysis of future reusable launch vehicles. - Guillermo Joaquin Dominguez Calabuig (German Aerospace Center (DLR))   (Newton meeting room)
12:00 ESA CSR and Strategy for overcoming CLIMATE and SUSTAINABILITY challenges - Marion Mirailles (ESA)   (Newton meeting room)
12:20 Understanding Corporate Strategy in the New Space Era: Perspectives on Space Debris - Maximilian Münch   (Newton meeting room)
12:40 The Importance of LCA to the future of space sustainability - Max Gill   (Newton meeting room)
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Angelo Cervone (Delft University of Technology) (until 15:45) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 KEYNOTE - RAMS and FDIR for Complex CubeSat Missions - Silvana Radu (European Space Agency)   (Newton meeting room)
14:45 Applying Digital Risk Twin & Causation-Based AI for Space Assets - Raphaël CHAGNOLEAU (PHM Technology)   (Newton meeting room)
15:15 Detecting and Predicting Anomalies in Satellite Systems - Lars Herrmann   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde) (until 15:45) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 Demystifying the Chaos in LEO. - Darren McKnight (Leolabs)   (Newton meeting room)
14:45 Removing barriers for transitioning into the new space infrastructure paradigm - Stéphane Estable (Airbus)   (Newton meeting room)
15:00 Keynote - Sustainability of Orbital Operations: status of Space Pollution and proposed actions - Christophe Bonnal (CNES)   (Newton meeting room)
15:45 --- Coffee break ---
15:45 --- Coffee break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Angelo Cervone (Delft University of Technology) (until 17:45) (Newton meeting room)
16:15 Increasing RAMS for Novel Low Cost and Complex Missions Based on CubeSat Technologies - Beatriz Delmas Garcia   (Newton meeting room)
16:45 The Path Towards Improving Autonomy and Reliability of Complex CubeSat Missions - Angelo Cervone (Delft University of Technology)   (Newton meeting room)
17:15 Design and Simulation of High-Accuracy Star-Trackers Algorithms for Autonomous Line-of-Sight Navigation - Stefano Casini   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde) (until 17:45) (Newton meeting room)
16:15 ABACO, an Autonomous Board for Avoiding COllisions - Dario Modenini (University of Bologna)   (Newton meeting room)
16:30 Technical overview of the ASTRA project - Luca Rosignoli (INAF - OAS Oss. di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio, Bologna)   (Newton meeting room)
16:45 Ultra Wide-field Optical Tracking of LEO Objects: The Astra Project - Alberto Buzzoni (INAF - OAS, Astrophysics and Space Science Observatory)   (Newton meeting room)
17:00 Recent activities at the Warwick Centre for Space Domain Awareness - James Blake (University of Warwick)   (Newton meeting room)
17:15 Resident Space Object Proper Elements for Maneuver Detection - Aaron Rosengren (UC San Diego)   (Newton meeting room)
17:30 Apparent Colours as Manufacturing Markers for GEO Satellites - Alessandra Di Cecco (Italian Space Agency)   (Newton meeting room)
13:05 --- Lunch Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Pablo Hermosín (Deimos Space S.L.U.) Simone Centuori (until 15:50) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 KEYNOTE - Fast Kinetic Impactor - Jesus Gil (ESA/ESTEC)   (Newton meeting room)
14:45 KEYNOTE - Comet Interceptor Mission. Deepening the Probe B2 design - Beatriz Delmas Garcia   (Newton meeting room)
15:30 The Design Pipeline of the Milani Mission: Overview and Challenges After DART Impact - Mattia Pugliatti (Politecnico di Milano)   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Christos Efthymiopoulos (Department of Mathematics, University of Padova) (until 15:50) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 Keynote - Orbital Perturbations of Charged Dust and Space Debris due to Space Weather Effects - Christoph Lhotka (University Rome Tor Vergata)   (Newton meeting room)
14:45 Secular evolution of debris in highly eccentric and inclined orbits - Anargyros Dogkas (Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata)   (Newton meeting room)
15:00 Keynote - Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Office Towards a unified SSA framework to address short- to long-term challenges - Vincent Ruch   (Newton meeting room)
15:50 --- Coffee Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Simone Centuori Pablo Hermosín (Deimos Space S.L.U.) (until 17:55) (Newton meeting room)
16:15 Application of Efficient Uncertainty Propagation Methods in the Design and Analysis of Asteroid Missions - Iosto Fodde (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
16:35 A mission concept for in-orbit particle collection around asteroids - Mirko Trisolini (Politecnico di Milano)   (Newton meeting room)
16:55 Autonomous navigation around Didymos using CNN-based Image Processing. - Mewantha Aurelio Kaluthantrige Don (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
17:15 Effcient design of optimal low-energy trajectories to Near Earth Objects - Elena Fantino (Khalifa University of Science and Technology)   (Newton meeting room)
17:35 Physics-Informed Neural Network Gravity Models for Small-Body Exploration - John Martin   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Christos Efthymiopoulos (Department of Mathematics, University of Padova) (until 17:45) (Newton meeting room)
16:15 Keynote - Monitoring of high-altitude space traffic and distant satellite disposal design. - Ioannis Gkolias (Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)   (Newton meeting room)
17:00 An overview of the resonances arising from the coupling of the Earth’s oblateness with the solar radiation pressure effect - Roberto Paoli (Universitate Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi)   (Newton meeting room)
17:15 Space debris environment propagation through a continuum approach - Lorenzo Giudici (Politecnico di Milano)   (Newton meeting room)
17:30 Ensuring the sustainable future use of space: a new tool for tracking environment health and mission impact - Juan Luis Gonzalo (Politecnico di Milano)   (Newton meeting room)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Bojan Novaković (Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade) (until 15:30) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 Introduction   (Newton meeting room)
14:05 Legal Implications of Asteroid Mining - Aaron Groh (University of Western Ontario)   (Newton meeting room)
14:10 The equation between 3-body mean motion resonances and Yarkovsky drift speeds on eccentricities higher than 0.1 - Ivana Milic Zitnik (Astronomical Observatory Belgrade)   (Newton meeting room)
14:15 (130) Elektra - dynamical analyses on the region of the third moonlet. - Giulia Valvano (Unesp - São Paulo State University)   (Newton meeting room)
14:20 Dinamycal particles around the asteroid 99942 Apophis. - Raí Machado Oliveira (São Paulo State University “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”)   (Newton meeting room)
14:25 The Asteroid Criticality Index: a tool for the future exploration of Solar System small bodies - Marco Fenucci   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Kurt Schwenk Marko Jankovic (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI)) (until 15:30) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 Relative Navigation Challenges for Active Debris Removal Missions and the Role that Artificial Intelligence Can Play - Hodei Urrutxua (University Rey Juan Carlos I)   (Newton meeting room)
14:45 EO-based pose estimation for spacecraft relative navigation to support autonomous In-Orbit Servicing missions - Roberto Opromolla (University of Naples "Federico II")   (Newton meeting room)
15:00 THALES SERVICES NUMÉRIQUES (TSN) SPACE ACTIVITIES WITH A SPECIAL FOCUS ON SST ACTIVITIES. - Mr Alex Nardi (Thales Services Numériques) Philippe MOREIRA (Thales Services Numériques)   (Newton meeting room)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Bojan Novaković (Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade) Marco Fenucci (until 15:45) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 KEYNOTE - Revealing Asteroid (162173) Ryugu’s Thermophysical Properties with Data Assimilation - Maximilian Hamm (DLR / Freie Universiät Berlin)   (Newton meeting room)
14:45 Planetary Society Step Grant project: Demystifying Near-Earth Asteroids - Bojan Novaković (Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade)   (Newton meeting room)
15:05 Storage and release of volatiles in small bodies - Dennis Bodewits   (Newton meeting room)
15:25 The past orbital and thermal evolution of asteroid (162173) Ryugu - Millena Castro Guimarães (UNESP)   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Marco Fossati (University of Strathclyde) (until 15:45) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 Keynote - Design for Demise: Open points and Future challenges. - Cristina De Persis (ESA)   (Newton meeting room)
14:45 Challenges in Testing and Validation of Space Debris Demise - Oliver Chazot (Von Karman Institute)   (Newton meeting room)
15:00 Space Environment Sustainability and Space Situational Awareness at NASA - Alinda Mashiku (NASA)   (Newton meeting room)
15:45 --- Coffee Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Bojan Novaković (Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade) Marco Fenucci (until 17:55) (Newton meeting room)
16:15 NASA JPL’s Planetary Defense Activities - Lorraine Fesq   (Newton meeting room)
16:35 On the Possibility that 2016 HO3 Kamo’oalewa was a Piece of the Moon - Ricardo Moraes (Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP)   (Newton meeting room)
16:55 Dynamical evolution of small family members: 288P cluster case study - Mara Čutura   (Newton meeting room)
17:15 Dawn’s probability of capture into 1:1 ground-track resonance around Vesta - Wail Boumchita (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
17:35 A dynamical study of an earth-grazing fireball - Marcelo De Cicco (INMETRO)   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Marco Fossati (University of Strathclyde) (until 18:15) (Newton meeting room)
16:15 Vibrational kinetics in 2D High enthalpy flows using GPUs - Gianpiero Colonna (CNR-ISTP)   (Newton meeting room)
16:30 Transport properties for planetary atmospheres: the hybrid approach. - Annarita Laricchiuta (CNR ISTP Bari Section (Italy))   (Newton meeting room)
16:45 Development of a Multi-fidelity Framework for Destructive Atmospheric Entry Simulation - Fabio Morgado (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
17:00 Development of an Uncertainty Framework for Risk Analysis During Atmospheric Re-entry - Sai Abhishek Peddakotla   (Newton meeting room)
17:15 A data driven approach to modelling and simulating atmospheric entry. - Julia Graham (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
17:30 Session closing remarks - Marco Fossati (University of Strathclyde)   (Newton meeting room)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
EXPLORATION OF ASTEROIDS SYMPOSIUM - Giovanni Gronchi (Università di Pisa) (until 15:40) (Newton meeting room)
14:00 A LiDAR-less Approach to Autonomous Hazard Detection and Avoidance Systems based on Semantic Segmentation - PELAYO PEÑARROYA RODRIGUEZ   (Newton meeting room)
14:20 Dynamics modelling of satellites orbiting oblate bodies - Gabriela-Ana Nadabaica (Faculty of Mathematics, University Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Romania)   (Newton meeting room)
14:40 NEO AND SPACE DEBRIS EUROPEAN INITIATIVES: PAST AND FUTURE LESSONS LEARNED - Ettore Perozzi (Italian Space Agency)   (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Massimiliano Vasile (University of Strathclyde) (until 15:00) (Newton meeting room)
SPACE ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT & SUSTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM - Christos Efthymiopoulos (Department of Mathematics, University of Padova) (until 15:45) (Newton meeting room)
15:45 --- Conference closing. ---