WP2/WP13 HL-LHC Satellite Meeting, Uppsala 2022 - Long-Range Beam-Beam Wire
New Consistorium room
Uppsala University
The compensation of the long-range beam-beam interactions using DC wires is presently under study as an option for enhancing the machine performance in the framework of the High-Luminosity LHC Project (HL-LHC). In this respect, DC wires demonstrators embedded in collimators were installed in the LHC during Run 2 and have shown a significant reduction of beam losses during dedicated tests in 2018, even for operational machine configurations.
Following a hardware reconfiguration during the last Long Shutdown, the wires demonstrators can be routinely used in Run 3 operation to gain valuable experience in the integration of such a device in the machine beam process.
In parallel, numerical simulations predict that wire compensation can lead to a significant improvement in dynamic aperture for the baseline but also alternative HL-LHC scenarios, thereby opening the parameter space for further optimisation of the operational scenario and improved performance.
The scope of this meeting is to present the latest Run 3 experimental results, numerical simulations and predictions for Run 4, together with first results of the wire hardware short-model prototype. Building upon the existing collaboration between TRIUMF and CERN, a framework for future contributions in that particular HL-LHC option, will be further discussed and elaborated.
Linkpersons: Guido Sterbini & Adriana Rossi
- Adriana Rossi
- Alessandro Bertarelli
- Alexander Valishev
- Antonio Perillo Marcone
- Axel Poyet
- Barbara Dalena
- Benoit Salvant
- Bjorn Hans Filip Lindstrom
- Cecile Noels
- Cedric Hernalsteens
- Dobrin Kaltchev
- Elias Metral
- Enrico Bravin
- Federico Carra
- Fritz Caspers
- Giulio Stancari
- Guido Sterbini
- Hannes Bartosik
- James Storey
- Joschua Werner Dilly
- Konstantinos Paraschou
- Krystian Sidorowski
- Kyriacos Skoufaris
- Lorenzo Giacomel
- Luca Gentini
- Marco Marchetto
- Markus Zerlauth
- Marta Sabate Gilarte
- Massimo Giovannozzi
- Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci
- Michele Modena
- Nicolas Mounet
- Oliver Kester
- Oliver Stringer
- Philippe Belanger
- Raymond Veness
- Rhodri Jones
- Rick Baartman
- Roderik Bruce
- Rogelio Tomas Garcia
- Sofia Kostoglou
- Stefano Redaelli
- Tatiana Pieloni
- Thibaut Lefevre
- Xavier Buffat
- Yannis Papaphilippou