WP2/WP13 HL-LHC Satellite Meeting, Uppsala 2022 - Long-Range Beam-Beam Wire
New Consistorium room
Uppsala University
The compensation of the long-range beam-beam interactions using DC wires is presently under study as an option for enhancing the machine performance in the framework of the High-Luminosity LHC Project (HL-LHC). In this respect, DC wires demonstrators embedded in collimators were installed in the LHC during Run 2 and have shown a significant reduction of beam losses during dedicated tests in 2018, even for operational machine configurations.
Following a hardware reconfiguration during the last Long Shutdown, the wires demonstrators can be routinely used in Run 3 operation to gain valuable experience in the integration of such a device in the machine beam process.
In parallel, numerical simulations predict that wire compensation can lead to a significant improvement in dynamic aperture for the baseline but also alternative HL-LHC scenarios, thereby opening the parameter space for further optimisation of the operational scenario and improved performance.
The scope of this meeting is to present the latest Run 3 experimental results, numerical simulations and predictions for Run 4, together with first results of the wire hardware short-model prototype. Building upon the existing collaboration between TRIUMF and CERN, a framework for future contributions in that particular HL-LHC option, will be further discussed and elaborated.
Linkpersons: Guido Sterbini & Adriana Rossi

Adriana Rossi
Alessandro Bertarelli
Alexander Valishev
Antonio Perillo Marcone
Axel Poyet
Barbara Dalena
Benoit Salvant
Bjorn Hans Filip Lindstrom
Cecile Noels
Cedric Hernalsteens
Dobrin Kaltchev
Elias Metral
Enrico Bravin
Federico Carra
Fritz Caspers
Giulio Stancari
Guido Sterbini
Hannes Bartosik
James Storey
Joschua Werner Dilly
Konstantinos Paraschou
Krystian Sidorowski
Kyriacos Skoufaris
Lorenzo Giacomel
Luca Gentini
Marco Marchetto
Markus Zerlauth
Marta Sabate Gilarte
Massimo Giovannozzi
Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci
Michele Modena
Nicolas Mounet
Oliver Kester
Oliver Stringer
Philippe Belanger
Raymond Veness
Rhodri Jones
Rick Baartman
Roderik Bruce
Rogelio Tomas Garcia
Sofia Kostoglou
Stefano Redaelli
Tatiana Pieloni
Thibaut Lefevre
Xavier Buffat
Yannis Papaphilippou