AARP @ Beams Channeling: from the Past to the Future
The AARP series of international meetings - Advanced Accelerator & Radiation Physics seminars - is dedicated to frontier topics in fundamental and applied research associated with new techniques of beam acceleration, novel powerful radiation sources, and applications based on radiation physics. Previous events were held at NRNU MEPhI and the National Laboratories of Frascati (LNF INFN), at CERN, at the Naples' Institute of Engines (IM CNR), the CEA Cadarache Research Center, and many Universities in Europe. They were dedicated to novel techniques for electron beam acceleration, to advanced methods for free electron lasing, to Compton scattering of relativistic electrons in a strong laser field, to the laser-plasma wakefield acceleration technique, advanced X-ray optical solutions for studying both fundamental and applied physics (e.g., incoherent and coherent X-ray imaging by tabletop facilities), novel X-ray spectroscopy instrumentation, powerful X-ray source studies by means of polycapillary optics, etc., as well as research performed in the framework of various international collaborations.
This series of the online seminars will be formed by the invited lectures dedicated to the selected topics of the beams channeling physics and related researches as defined at the international conference "Charged & Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena". The list of the topics as well as other details are available at the official websites of the last past event Channeling 2018 /Ischia, Italy/ and planned one - Channeling 2020/21/22...23 /Riccione, Italy/ (to be updated for the period of June 4-9, 2023). We are planning several lectures in one-two weeks distance between them.
At the first seminar on November 15, 2022 there will be presented two lectures:
- The introductory notes by Sultan Dabagov (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
- "Advanced Beams Channeling: from Crystal to Laser/Plasma/Capillary Based Guides"
- Laura Bandiera (INFN Ferrara)
- "Crystal Channeling Studies at Modern Accelerator Facilities"
Next seminars will be formed by the lectures of Prof. Vladimir Baryshevsky, Prof. Nikolay Kalashnikov, Dr. Robert Chehab, Dr. Giuseppe Dattoli, Prof. Wolfgang Wagner - who already confirmed their lectures, Dr. Frank Zimmermann, Dr. Vladimir Shiltsev, Dr. Sebastien Corde - who confirmed their availability, and others invited by your recommendations and proposals.
As planned we will have at least one seminar every two weeks, with the possibility of a slight shift both in days of the week and in time due to the large time difference for potential seminar participants.
We invite all interested colleagues to join the seminar at a zoom-service available via the following link: