Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Amplitudes 2023 Summer School

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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The study of scattering amplitudes has developed substantially over the past few years, with applications ranging from precision calculations for the LHC through new approaches to gauge theories and gravity, and even branching out into pure mathematics. The Amplitudes 2023 Summer School will take place at CERN, between July 31st and August 4th, with five sets of lectures and tutorials on the topics listed below. Registration is open to PhD students and junior Postdocs, with a total participant number of 75 students.

The 2023 edition of the annual Amplitudes conference will be hosted by CERN the following week, August 7--11.


  • On-Shell Methods for Tree-Level Amplitudes (Clifford Cheung)
  • Modern Techniques for Multi-loop Amplitudes (Vasily Sotnikov)
  • Aspects of Feynman Integrals (Erik Panzer)
  • The Non-Perturbative S-Matrix Bootstrap (Alexander Zhiboedov)
  • Positive Geometries for Scattering Amplitudes (Livia Ferro)

Local Organizers

Samuel Abreu, Andrew Mcleod, Ben Page, Lorenzo Tancredi.



  • Adam Kmec
  • Anna Wolz
  • Anthony Massidda
  • Arno Hoefnagels
  • Arunima Bhattacharya
  • Augustus Brown
  • Bo Wang
  • Bruno Bucciotti
  • Christoph Bartsch
  • Christoph Mรผller-Salditt
  • Christopher de Firmian
  • Clifford Cheung
  • Daniel Bockisch
  • Elena Kaiser
  • Erik Panzer
  • Fabian Wunder
  • Federica Devoto
  • Felix Tellander
  • Florian Pandler
  • Francesca Zaffalon
  • Gaia Fontana
  • George Doran
  • Giacomo Brunello
  • Giorgio Pizzolo
  • Giulio Crisanti
  • Giuseppe Bogna
  • Gustavo Figueiredo
  • Hiren Kakkad
  • Jae Goode
  • Jasper Roosmale Nepveu
  • Jianyu Gong
  • Jonah Stalknecht
  • Juan Pablo Gatica
  • Juliane Haug
  • Konstantin Baune
  • Kshitij Gupta
  • Lecheng Ren
  • Linhan Chen
  • Livia Ferro
  • Lucia Gomez Cordova
  • Luke Lippstreu
  • Ma Rourou
  • Manuel Loparco
  • Maria Nocchi
  • Marion Thomas
  • Mathijs Fraaije
  • Mei Jiajie
  • Michael Plesser
  • Michael Stadlbauer
  • Panagiotis Marinellis
  • Pascal Reeck
  • Philip Velie
  • Piotr Bargiela
  • Qinglin Yang
  • Qu Cao
  • Richard van Dongen
  • Rishabh Bhardwaj
  • Roger Morales
  • Rowan Wright
  • Sam Teale
  • Sara Ditsch
  • Saurabh Pant
  • Shounak De
  • Simon Pekar
  • Sumer Jaitly
  • Tabasum Rahnuma
  • Taro Brown
  • Tushar Gopalka
  • Ugo de Noyers
  • Umut Oktem
  • Vasily Sotnikov
  • Weiming Wayne Zhao
  • William Lindved
  • Yaqi Zhang
  • Yichao Tang
  • Yingxuan Xu
  • Yuyu Mo
  • Zehao Zhu
  • Zhongjie Huang
  • Zihan Zhou
  • Zihao Wu