List of speakers with ISMD 2023 talks, followed by ISMD 2023 participants without talks.
Title | Given name | Family name | City | Country | Title of the talk | Section |
Dr | Khachik | Abraamyan | Dubna | Russia | Observation of structures at ∼17 and ∼38 MeV/c2 in the γγ invariant mass spectra in pC, dC, and dCu collisions at plab of a few GeV/c per nucleon | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Mr | Alisher | Aitbayev | Dubna | Russia | Nuclear modification factor of inclusive charged particles in Au+Au collisions at √sN N = 27 GeV with the STAR experiment | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Victor E. | Ambrus | Timisoara | Romania | Applicability of hydrodynamics in small and large systems | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Dmitry | Anchishkin | Kyiv | Ukraine | A quantum generalization of the Cooper-Frye formula | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Prof | Alejandro | Ayala | Mexico City | Mexico | Collision energy dependence of source sizes for primary and secondary pions in HIC's at NICA energies | Femtoscopy |
Dr | Vipul | Bairathi | Tarapacá | Chile | Measurements of strange and multi-strange hadrons elliptic flow in isobar collisions at RHIC by STAR | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Hicham | Benmansour | Pisa | Italy | The X17 search with the MEG-II apparatus | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Dr | Marek | Bombara | Kosice | Slovakia | Recent results on jets and collective phenomena in ALICE experiment | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Noah | Bray-Ali | Los Angeles | United States | Dark Matter and the W Mass | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Wojciech | Broniowski | Krakow | Poland | Off-shellness in generalized parton distributions of the pion | Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics |
Ms | Yu-Chen (Janice) | Chen | Boston | USA | Measurement of Two-Particle Correlations and Flow Coefficients in High Multiplicity e+e- Collisions Using Archived ALEPH Data at 91-209 GeV | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Carlos | Contreras | Valparaíso | Chile | Pomerons Interactions | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Máté | Csanád | Budapest | Hungary | Femtoscopy with Lévy sources from SPS through RHIC to LHC | Femtoscopy |
Prof | László Pál | Csernai | Bergen | Norway | Advances in the NAPLIFE Fusion Energy Project | |
Prof | Tamás | Csörgő | Budapest and Gyöngyös | Hungary | (a) Cross-checking Odderon signals at small values of four-momentum transfer (b) Standard model of particle physiocs and Rubik's 4x4x4 Cube | (a) Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron (b) Science outreach |
Dr | Archita Rani | Dash | Münster | Germany | Recent Jet Measurements in Pb-Pb Collisions with ALICE | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Magdalena | Djordjevic | Belgrade | Serbia | Initial stages through high-pt theory and data (*) | Important new results in HEP |
Dr | Jan | Ebr | Prague | Czechia | Ultra-high-energy hadronic physics at the Pierre Auger Observatory | Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics |
Prof | Jonathan Lee | Feng | Irvine | USA | Collider Searches for X17 and Other Light Gauge Bosons | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Dr | Fernando | Gardim | Alfenas | Brazil | The smallest drop of QGP: thermodynamic properties of p-Pb collisions | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Giuliano | Giacalone | Heidelberg | Germany | Building a fluid particle by particle: Real time imaging of the emergent hydrodynamic behavior of few strongly-interacting fermions | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Mateusz | Goncerz | Cracow | Poland | MUonE experiment | Important new results in HEP |
Mr | Wenda | Guo | Wuhan | China | Non prompt J/psi production as a function of multiplicity in pp collision at 13 TeV with ALICE experiment | Important new results in HEP |
Dr | Lukasz Kamil | Graczykowski | Warsaw | Poland | Recent developments in angular correlations of identified particles (experiment & theory) | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Dr | Wlodzimierz | Guryn | Upton | USA | Physics with tagged forward protons in proton-proton collisions at RHIC | Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics |
Dr | Najmul | Haque | Odisha | India | QCD mesonic screening masses: Beyond perturbative study | Other important new results in HEP |
Dr | Florian | Hechenberger | Vienna | Austria | Vector Glueballs in Holographic QCD | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Byungsik | Hong | Seoul | South Korea | An overview of underground and ion accelerator facilities in Asia | Other important new results in HEP |
Mr | Cameron | Ikin | Mackay | Australia | The Future of Quantum Supercomputing and Space | Other important new results in HEP |
Dr | Amaresh | Jaiswal | Odisha | India | Relativistic spin-(magneto)hydrodynamics | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | László | Jenkovszky | Kiyv | Ukraine | On dip-bump structures in proton diffractive dissociation at the LHC | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Dr | Ze-Fang | Jiang | Hubei | China | Global polarization of Lambda hyperons in heavy ion collisions: tilted bulk medium, velocity field and its correlation with directed flow | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Sonja | Kabana | Tarapacá | Chile | Heavy flavor and quarkonia from experiments at RHIC | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Anna | Kaczmarska | Kraków | Poland | Searches for new physics in the Higgs sector at ATLAS | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Prof | Joseph | Kapusta | Minnesota | USA | Anomalous kaon correlations measured in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC as evidence for the melting and refreezing of the QCD vacuum | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Dr | Bithika | Karmakar | Belgrade | Serbia | Study of η/s through high-p⊥ tomography | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Mr | Gábor | Kasza | Budapest and Gyöngyös | Hungary | Scaling behaviour of dN/dy in high energy collisions | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Valery | Khoze | Durham | United Kingdom | Hunting for QCD Instantons at the LHC in the Forward Proton mode | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Tibor | Kibédi | Canberra | Australia | Searching for the X17 boson with magnetic selection | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Dr | Eiji | Kido | Saitama | Japan | The latest results of the Telescope Array experiment | Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics |
Dr | Daniel | Kincses | Budapest | Hungary | STAR Femtoscopy results (*) | FEmtoscopy |
Prof | Masakiyo | Kitazawa | Kyoto | Japan | Exploring strongly interacting matter in heavy-ion collisions | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Dr | Anderson | Kendi | Cracow | Poland | Structure of the real amplitude in forward pp scattering at the LHC | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Stefan | Kluth | Munich | Germany | Observation of the dead cone effect in charm and bottom quark jets and its QCD explanation | Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Prof | Boris | Kopeliovich | Valparaiso | Chile |
2) Excess of low-kT photons:- the puzzle lasting four decades | (1) Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron (2) Femtoscopy |
Mr | Balazs | Korodi | Budapest | Hungary | Event-by-event investigation of the two-particle source function in 2.76 TeV PbPb collisions with EPOS | Femtoscopy |
Dr | Andrew | Koshelkin | Moscow | Russia | Relativistic two-particle problem in the Lagrange formalism | Other important new results in HEP |
Dr | Piotr | Kotko | Krakow | Poland | J/Psi hadroproduction with color reconnection effects | Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Ms | Anna | Kraeva | Dubna | Russia | Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 GeV in the STAR experiment | Femtoscopy |
Prof | Attila Janos | Krasznahorkay | Debrecen | Hungary | An update on the hypothetical X17 particle | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Prof | Marcin | Kucharczyk | Cracow | Poland | Study of the Bose–Einstein correlations in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at LHCb | Femtoscopy |
Prof | Aleksander | Kusina | Cracow | Poland | Nuclear parton distribution functions | |
Prof | Su Houng | Lee | Seoul | South Korea | Diquarks and heavy hadron production in heavy ion collisions | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Mr | Jianlong | Lu | Singapore | Singapore | Flash/poster talk: Remarks on the implications of $|\mathrm{U}_{\mu i}| = |\mathrm{U}_{\tau i}|$ in the canonical seesaw mechanism | Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics |
Mr | Vinh | Luong | Dubna | Russia | Recent Flow Results from STAR Experiment at RHIC | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Magno | Machado | Porto Alegre | Brazil | Reggeometric pomeron model and light vector meson photoproduction in UPCs collisions at the LHC | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Dr | Saverio | Mariani | Geneva | Switzerland | Fixed-target measurements contributing to cosmic rays studies | Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics |
Dr | Pawel | Malecki | Cracow | Poland | Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE): status and development | Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics |
Mr | Neelkamal | Mallick | Indore | India | Estimating elliptic flow coefficient in heavy ion collisions using deep learning | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Tomasz | Matulewicz | Warsaw | Poland | Thermal model interpretation of particle production in pp interactions around $\sqrt{s}\simeq$10 GeV | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Dr | Klaudia | Maj | Cracow | Poland | BSM physics using photon-photon fusion processes in UPC in Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Dr | Kishora | Nayak | Bargarh | India | Understanding the effect of strangeness and electric charge on the NCQ scaling of directed flow | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Itaru | Nakagawa | Saitama | Japan |
Readiness for physics data taking of sPHENIX experiment at RHIC |
Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Prof | Megumi | Naruki | Kyoto | Japan | Dilepton Measurement and Future Possibilities at J-PARC | Other important new results in HEP |
Dr | Hugo | Nathal da Luz | Prague | Czechia | The construction of the X17 spectrometer at CTU in Prague | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Dr | Frigyes Janos | Nemes | Budapest, Geneva and Gyöngyös | Hungary and Switzerland | Recent results from the TOTEM experiment | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Dr | Toshihiro | Nonaka | Tsukuba | Japan | Methods and Results on Conserved-Charge Fluctuations from RHIC-BES and FXT | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Dr | Tamás | Novák | Gyöngyös | Hungary | Recent J/ψ results measured with PHENIX | Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Dr | Zongjin | Ong | Singapore | Singapore | Flash/poster talk: Forward-Backward multiplicity analysis and cluster formation in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} = 0.9, 7 and 8 TeV from the CMS experiment | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Prof | Kenneth | Osterberg | Helsinki | Finland | D0-TOTEM Odderon observation: an update | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Ken | Oyama | Nagasaki | Japan | ALICE Forward Calorimeter Upgrade | |
Prof | Kyoichiro | Ozawa | Tsukuba | Japan | Experimental study of finite density matter J-PARC | Important new results in HEP |
Dr | Sanghwa | Park | Newport News | USA | Direct photon cross section and double-helicity asymmetry measurement at PHENIX | Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics |
Prof | Roman | Pasechnik | Lund | Sweden | Glueball Dark Matter | Cosmic Ray and Astroparticle Physics |
Prof | Vladimir | Petrov | Protvino | Russia | Strong Interactions at High Energy: 100 Years of Inquiery | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Dr | Christopher | Plumberg | Malibu, CA | USA | BSQ Hydrodynamics and Challenges with a 4D Equation of State | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flow |
Dr | Andrei | Poblaguev | Upton, NY | USA | The $p^\uparrow$ and $^3$He$^\uparrow$ beam polarization measurements at the RHIC and future EIC using the Polarized Hydrogen Gas Jet Target | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Mauro | Raggi | Roma | Italy | Search for the resonant X17 boson production in PADME Run III | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Mr | Jesus | Rendon | Mexico city | Mexico | Pion screening mass in a magnetized medium | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Mr | Victor Hugo | Riberio | Campinas | Brazil | Jet-medium interactions through vortex ring formation inside the QGP | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Christophe | Royon | Lawrence, KS | USA |
(b) Recent PPS results from CMS (c) Large Hadron Collider and the structure of the proton | (a) Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics (b) Forward Physics (c) Science outreach |
Prof | Raghunath | Sahoo | Indore | India | Small system QGP: Observations and Challenges | Other important new results in HEP |
Dr | Nihar Rajan | Sahoo | Upton, NY | USA | Recent results on Jet-medium interaction at RHIC | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Mariusz | Sadzikowski | Cracow | Poland | Twist decomposition of nonlinear effects in the BK evolution of proton structure function | Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics |
Dr | Debojit | Sarkar | Copenhagen | Denmark | Collectivity in small collisions systems (soft probes) - Experimental overview | Important new results in HEP |
Prof. | Edward | Sarkisyan-Grinbaum | Arlington | US | Search for New Physics with Multiparticle Correlations and Cosmological Analogies | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Prof | Rainer | Schicker | Heidelberg | Germany | Strangeness production in double gap events in ALICE | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Daiki | Sekihata | Tokyo | Japan | Electromagnetic radiation in ALICE at the LHC | Other important new results in HEP |
Mr | Sharang Rav | Sharma | Tirupati | India | First-order event plane correlated directed and triangular flow from fixed-target energies at RHIC-STAR | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Zhaozhong | Shi | Los Alamos | USA | Heavy flavor physics at the sPHENIX experiment | Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Dr | Maya | Shimomura | Nara | Japan | Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy using new event categorization with multiplicity at PHENIX | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Mayank | Singh | Minneapolis | USA | Simulating heavy-ion collisions at BES energies | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Iwona Anna | Sputowska | Krakow | Poland | Forward-backward correlations with the Σ quantity in the wounded-constituent framework at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider | Multiparticle correlations and fluctuations |
Dr | Rafał | Staszewski | Cracow | Poland | (a) Forward proton tagging in ATLAS – status of detectors and new physics results (b) Particle Physics Outreach - a Polish persepctive | (a) Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron (b) Science outreach |
Mr | András | Ster | Budapest | Hungary | Levy generalization of the Phillips-Barger model for high energy elasctic pp and ppbar scattering | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Mr | Stefan | Stojku | Belgrade | Serbia | Initial stages and QGP anisotropy constrained through high-pt data | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Michal | Sumbera | Prague | Czechia | Cosmology from strong interactions | Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics |
Mr | Zhandong | Sun | Debrecen | Hungary | Centrality dependence of direct photon and $\pi^0$ production in d+Au collisions | Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Mr | Istvan | Szanyi | Budapest and Gyöngyös | Hungary | L\'evy $\alpha$-stable model for the non-exponential low-$|t|$ proton-proton differential cross section | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Tomasz | Szumlak | Cracow | Poland | Central Exclusive Production at LHCb | Forward physics: Diffraction, Odderon and Pomeron |
Prof | Zebo | Tang | Hefei | China | Track baryon number with heavy ion collisions | Other important new results in HEP |
Dr | Ádám | Takács | Heidelberg | Germany | Jets in hot nuclear matter | Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Dr | Yossathorn | Tawabutr | Jyväskylä | Finnland | Small-$x$ Helicity Evolution and Recent Developments | Proton structure, small-x and large-x physics |
Prof | Charles | Timmermans | Nijmegen | The Netherlands | (a) The status of the GRAND experiment (b) Science Outreach with Cosmic Rays in the Netherlands | (a) Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics (b) Science outreach |
Prof | Thomas | Trainor | Seattle | USA | Nuclear modification factors and the Cronin effect | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | The Anh | Tran | Hanoi | Vietnam | Confirmation the 8Be anomaly with a different spectrometer | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Ms | Ana | Uzelac | Zagreb | Croatia | Two new games with Quark Matter Cards: Flash/poster talk: (a) Interactions of elementary particles Flash/poster talk: (b) The eightford way | Science outreach or flash talk |
Mr | Zoltán | Varga | Budapest | Hungary | New measurements of charged jet fragmentation properties in pp and p−Pb collisions with ALICE | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | Sándor | Varró | Budapest | Hungary | (a) Proposal for an electromagnetic mass formula for the X17 particle (b) Correlations of wave intensities and particle numbers - before dinner talk on the 50th anniversary of G. Györgyi's death. | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Dr | André | Veiga Giannini | Dourados | Brazil | Assessing the ultracentral flow puzzle in hydrodynamic modeling of heavy-ion collisions | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Róbert | Vértesi | Budapest | Hungary | The role of the underlying event in the heavy-flavor baryon enhancement | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Mr | Oleksandr | Vitiuk | Wroclaw | Poland | Phenomenological Equation of State of Strongly Interacting Matter with Modified Excluded-Volume Mechanism | Other important new results in HEP |
Prof | Serguei | Vorobiov | Nova Gorica | Slovenia | Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory | Cosmic ray and astroparticle physics |
Prof | Shu-yi | Wei | Qingdao | China | Elliptic flow in small collisional systems | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Prof | György | Wolf | Budapest | Hungary | Heavy mesons in medium | |
Prof | Georg | Wolschin | Heidelberg | Germany | Heavy-ion stopping and limiting-fragmentation scaling | |
Prof | Cheuk-Yin | Wong | Oak Ridge | USA | QED meson description of the anomalous particles and the X17 particle | Physics of X17 and other beyond standard model states |
Mr | Dusan | Zigic | Belgrade | Serbia | QGP tomography tool DREENA | Collectivity in high energy collisions: jets and flows |
Dr | Radek | Zlebcik | Prague | Czechia | (a) New H1 measurements of event shape observables in DIS (b) Deep learning assisted unbinned measurements of jet substructure observables with H1 | Hadronic final states in high pT interactions |
Ms | Georgina Anna | Zsóri | Gyöngyös | Hungary | Find your own Odderon! | Science outreach |
List of participants without talks.
TItle | Given name | Family name | City | Country |
Prof | Aik Hui | Chan | Singapore | Singapore |
Mr | Alvin Zhen Wei | Leow | Singapore | Singapore |
Prof | Wesley | Metzger | Nijmegen | Netherlands |
Ms | Melinda | Orosz | Debrecen | Hungary |
Prof | Giulia | Pancheri | Firenze | Italy |
Dr | Olivier | Rousselle | Gif-sur-Yvette | France |
Dr | Rudolf | Sykora | Prague | Czechia |
Prof | Péter | Ván | Budapest | Hungary |
129 registered participants, including
22 PhD students
2 other participants without a Ph.D,
55 Ph.D.-s.
50 professors
128 presented talks, hybrid format:
83 on-site talks, 5 + 2 = 7 flash/poster talks, 38 online talks
These 128 talks included 5 science outreach presented in Tokaj on Saturday.
32 participants, mostly PhD students, received various forms of (partial)
support from ISMD 2023 or sponsors of ISMD 2023
Given the large interest in ISMD 2023, the talks had to to be rather focussed to allow discussion time as well: the average lengths of the talks was 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for discussions,
Last updated by Cs.T. on November 20, 2023, 17:22 CET