Aug 21 – 26, 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone
Deadline for submission of written contributions is as soon as possible, extended up to December 31, 2023.

Excursion and Science Outreach on Sat, Aug 26

Excursion and Science Outreach on Saturday, August  26

Our daily plan is as follows:

Bus leaves from the parking lot of Hotel Avar at 7:45

Same bus leaves from the parking lot of Károly Róbert Hotel at 8:00

Arrival to the southern gate of Castle of Eger: 9:00

Tour of the castle, including medieval military demonstration: 9:00 - 10:45

Walk from the castle of Eger to Dobó square to the Líceum,

get on bus at the south-east corner of Líceum: 11:45

Lunch Szépasszonyvölgy, Ködmön Csárda - Wine restaurant 12:00 - 13:30

Arrival to Tokaj, Patrícius Winery: 16:00

Science Outreach Section on Zoom: 17:00 (sharp) - 18:30

  • This section is open to the public, 

Zoom details:



Science Outreach event of ISMD 2023, open to the public. Secondary school students and their school teachers are particularly welcome!


Tamas Csorgo



Useful links


Zoom URL


18:45- 20:00 Dinner at Patrícous Winery

21:45 Arrival to Hotel Avar

22:00 Arrival to Károly Róbert Hotel