Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

21–26 Aug 2023
Europe/Zurich timezone
Deadline for submission of written contributions is as soon as possible, extended up to December 31, 2023.


Forward Physics: Diffraction, Pomeron and Odderon

21 Aug 2023, 16:00


H-3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai út 36, Hungary


Forward Physics: Diffraction, Pomeron and Odderon: A

  • Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))

Forward Physics: Diffraction, Pomeron and Odderon: B

  • Rainer Schicker (Heidelberg University (DE))

Forward Physics: Diffraction, Pomeron and Odderon: C

  • Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Vladimir Petrov (Institute for High Energy Physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute (RU))
21/08/2023, 16:30

12+3 min for discussions, online talk

Prof. Rainer Schicker (Heidelberg University (DE))
21/08/2023, 17:00

12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk

Prof. Carlos Contreras Hidalgo
23/08/2023, 11:00

15+5 min for discussions, on-site talk

Prof. Tomasz Szumlak (AGH University of Krakow (PL))
23/08/2023, 11:20

15+5 min for discussions, online talk

Prof. Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))
23/08/2023, 12:10
Prof. Tamas Csorgo (MATE Institute of Technology Karoly Robert Campus (HU))
24/08/2023, 14:00

12+3 min for discussion, on-site talk

Prof. Kenneth Osterberg (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
24/08/2023, 14:45

12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk

Dr Frigyes Janos Nemes (CERN (also at Wigner RCP Budapest, Hungary))
24/08/2023, 15:00

12+3 min for discussions, on-site talk

Building timetable...