Final event DKPI

Kuppelsaal TU Wien

Kuppelsaal TU Wien

Andre Hoang, Anton Rebhan

The DK-PI Final Event will take place on September 28-29, 2023, at Kuppelsaal, TU Wien.

Our Doktoratskolleg Particles and Interactions (DK-PI) is coming to an end after nine years, and we would like to celebrate this together with a final event on Thursday, September 28th, and Friday, September 29th, 2023.

We cordially invite all current and former members of the DK-PI as well as our colleagues to join us at our final event, which will take place in the Kuppelsaal in the main building of TU Wien. This event will feature presentations by renowned scientists, as well as students and alumni, providing an opportunity for knowledge exchange and networking among participants.

Join us for this special occasion as we celebrate the achievements of our doctoral program. 

Please register if you want to attend the whole event.

Keynote talks

Karl Landsteiner (Madrid): “Black Hole Quantum Matter“
Marc Henneaux (Brüssel): “Surface Terms in the Action Principle“
Paul Romatschke (Boulder, Colorado): “Trivial Pursuits“

Public talk

Matthew D. Schwartz (Harvard)
Machine Learning and the Future of Particle Physics
Thursday, 28. September 2023, 17:00

The public talk is accessible without registration.


Please download the full program with the schedule of the talks.

  • Thursday, 28 September
    • Welcome words

      Christof Gattringer (Präsident des FWF)
      Johannes Fröhlich (Vizerektor Forschung & Innovation, TU Wien)
      Robin Golser (Dekan Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien)

      Conveners: Christof Gattringer (Austrian Science Fund FWF), Johannes Fröhlich (Vizerektor Forschung & Innovation, TU Wien), Robin Golser (Dekan Fakultät für Physik, Universität Wien)
    • 1
      Achievements of the DK-PI
      Speaker: Prof. Anton Rebhan
    • 2
      Black Hole Quantum Matter
      Speaker: Karl Landsteiner (Unknown)
    • 11:00
    • 3
      Holographic QCD for dense neutron star matter
      Speaker: Christian Ecker (Vienna University of Technology)
    • 4
      Erica Brondolin
      Speaker: Erica Brondolin (CERN)
    • 5
      Josef Leutgeb
      Speaker: Josef Leutgeb
    • 6
      The Role of Effective Field Theories in Precision Physics
      Speaker: Bahman Dehnadi
    • 12:50
    • 7
      The relevance of surface terms in the action principle
      Speaker: Marc Henneaux (ULB Brussels)
    • 8
      Flat Space Quantum Gravity
      Speaker: Max Riegler (TU Wien)
    • 9
      Ece Asilar
      Speaker: Ece Asilar (Hanyang University)
    • 10
      Abhiram Kidambi
      Speaker: Abhiram Mamandur Kidambi (TU Wien)
    • 15:30
    • Poster Session
    • 11
      Machine Learning and the Future of Particle Physics
      Speaker: Matthew Schwartz
    • 18:00
      Reception / snacks
  • Friday, 29 September
    • 12
      Clemens Sauerzopf
      Speaker: Clemens Sauerzopf (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
    • 13
      Dominik Steinschaden
      Speaker: Dominik Steinschaden (Stefan Meyer Institute)
    • 14
      Daniel Moser
      Speaker: Daniel Moser (Technische Universität Wien)
    • 15
      Janik Andrejkovic
      Speaker: Janik Walter Andrejkovic (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
    • 10:20
    • 16
      Hanno Filter
      Speaker: Hanno Marius Filter (Vienna University of Technology)
    • 17
      Mateusz Zarucki
      Speaker: Mateusz Zarucki (University of Notre Dame (US))
    • 18
      Alexander Soloviev
      Speaker: Alexander Soloviev (University of Ljubljana)
    • 19
      Marlene Tüchler
      Speaker: Marlene Tüchler (SMI)
    • 12:10
    • 20
      Trivial Pursuits
      Speaker: Paul Romatschke
    • Closing remarks
      Convener: Prof. Anton Rebhan
    • 13:45
      Farewell coffee