Triggering Discoveries in High Energy Physics III, High Tatras

from Monday 9 December 2024 (09:00) to Friday 13 December 2024 (12:00)
Hotel Atrium - Vysoke Tatry

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
9 Dec 2024
10 Dec 2024
11 Dec 2024
12 Dec 2024
13 Dec 2024
Registration (until 13:00) ()
Physics motivation, trigger and results (until 12:30) ()
09:00 ATLAS physics overview   ()
09:45 CMS physics results, with focus on trigger - Silvio Donato (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 LHCb physics overview   ()
11:45 ALICE physics overview   ()
Current trigger systems (until 12:30) ()
09:00 ATLAS trigger system   ()
09:45 Description and performance of the current CMS trigger - Dr Marco Musich (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Pierre Auger Observatory - physics - Michael Prouza (FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)   ()
11:45 Pierre Auger Observatory - triggers - Petr Tobiska (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)   ()
Trigger systems current (until 12:30) ()
09:00 LHCb trigger system   ()
09:45 ALICE trigger system Run1/Run2   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 CBM Physics - Anton Andronic (Universität Münster (DE))   ()
11:45 NA62 talk   ()
Talks of the participants (physics, trigger, electronics, detectors) (until 12:00) ()
09:00 Experiment SST-1M - Patrik Čechvala (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)   ()
09:25 tba   ()
09:50 tba   ()
10:15 --- Coffee break ---
10:45 tba   ()
11:10 tba   ()
11:35 --- Closure ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Opening session - Marek Bombara (Pavol Jozef Safarik University (SK)) (until 17:00) ()
14:00 Welcome - Marek Bombara (Pavol Jozef Safarik University (SK))   ()
14:20 Introduction to LHC physics   ()
15:10 --- Coffee break ---
15:40 Introduction to Triggering   ()
17:30 Welcome drink   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Talks of the participants (physics) (until 17:50) ()
13:50 Heavy flavour physics at RHIC - Jaroslav Bielcik (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))   ()
14:25 Electron Ion Collider - Jaroslav Adam (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))   ()
15:10 tba   ()
15:35 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Anisotropic flow fluctuation as a possible signature of clustered nuclear geometry in O-O collisions at the Large Hadron Collider - Dr Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi (HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics (HU))   ()
16:35 Phenomenology in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions - Prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras Nuno (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))   ()
17:00 tba   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Excursion   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Trigger system upgrades (until 17:30) ()
14:00 ATLAS trigger upgrades   ()
14:45 CMS trigger in High Luminosity LHC - Theodoros Chatzistavrou (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))   ()
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 LHCb trigger upgrades   ()
16:45 ALICE run3/run4   ()
18:30 Conference dinner   ()