New Physics from Galaxy Clustering III
Centro Congressi S. Elisabetta, Parma
13 November 2024: all talk and discussion slides have been uploaded. Thank you to all participants for a great workshop! And please consider applying to the 2025 edition in Florence:
30 October 2024: the Indico timetable is now available and complete. An updated quick overview of the program is also available in PDF form (see bottom of the homepage).
29 September 2024: the deadline to propose a title for the session of short talks by early career researchers is October 4.
12 August 2024: some registered participants have reported receiving email messages from "Global Travel Experts" or similar organizations, offering to book accommodation for the workshop. These are scam attempts and should be disregarded. For any questions concerning accommodation, do not hesitate to contact the organizers directly.
6 August 2024: the workshop program will include a session of short talks ( < 10 minutes) by early career researchers. Information on how to submit a title and brief abstract will be sent to registered and approved participants by the end of September.
Recent progress in theoretical modeling of galaxy clustering has led to new types of data analyses, which are particularly important for constraining extensions of the LCDM cosmological model. However, the landscape of the possible signatures that can be tested using Large Scale Structure observations, including the ongoing DESI and Euclid surveys, remains largely unexplored.
Building on the success of the previous installments
- II at IFPU Trieste in 2023:,
- I at CERN in 2022:,
the goal of this workshop is to bring together the cosmology and particle theory communities, to discuss current and future opportunities to probe fundamental physics using galaxy clustering.
The workshop will be held at the University of Parma as a fully in-person event. The program will be designed to facilitate interaction, with a limited number of talks accompanied by discussion sessions and ample free time for exchange.
The meeting will start on Monday, November 4, 2024, and end on Friday, November 8.
Confirmed speakers:
- Arushi Bodas (Fermilab and U Chicago)
- Stephen Chen (IAS Princeton)
- Martin Crocce (ICE-CSIC Barcelona)
- Kyle Dawson (Utah)
- Vincent Desjacques (Technion)
- Mathias Garny (TU Munich)
- Mikhail Ivanov (MIT)
- Melissa Joseph (Utah)
- Nemanja Kaloper (UC Davis)
- Kazuya Koyama (Portsmouth)
- Cristina Mondino (Perimeter)
- Davide Racco (ETH and U of Zürich)
- Zvonimir Vlah (RBI Zagreb & Cambridge)
- Ben Wallisch (Stockholm)
- Emanuele Castorina (University of Milan)
- Guido D'Amico (University of Parma)
- Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah (CNRS - LAPTh Annecy)
- Massimo Pietroni (University of Parma)
- Diego Redigolo (INFN Florence)
- Ennio Salvioni (University of Sussex)
- Marko Simonović (University of Florence)
Local support:
- Giorgia Biselli (University of Parma)
- Pietro Conzinu (University of Parma)
- Dennis Linde (University of Parma)
- Kevin Pardede (INFN Parma)
- Matteo Peron (University of Parma)
The organizers gratefully acknowledge funding received from: