2:00 PM
Introduction: scope and goals
Michelangelo Mangano
2:05 PM
Energy/luminosity/operation scenarios
Frank Zimmermann
2:25 PM
100TeV -> 80/120 TeV CDR projections: results so far
Michelangelo Mangano
2:45 PM
FCC-hh simulation studies: the work ahead
Michele Selvaggi
3:05 PM
Update on longitudinal same-sign WW scattering studies
Marc-Andre Pleier
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
Chilufya Mwewa
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
Luka Nedic
(University of Oxford (GB))
3:20 PM
Heavy Neutral Leptons at the FCC-hh: Where do we stand?
Stefan Antusch
3:35 PM
DM in mono-X and VBF
Giulio Marino
(Univ Pisa)
3:50 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:10 PM
Heavy vector singlets at future colliders
Timothy Martonhelyi
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
4:25 PM
Higgs without Higgs
Francesco Riva
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
Francesco Riva
4:40 PM
Exploring the Flavour Symmetry Landscape (title tbc)
Riccardo Rattazzi
(EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
4:55 PM
ALPs and massive gravitons in γγ
David d'Enterria
Patricia Rebello Teles
(Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF (BR))
5:10 PM
FASER-like experiments for FCC-hh
Juan Rojo
5:25 PM
4D tracking algorithms to improve pile-up robustness
Valentina Cairo
5:40 PM
Discussion of next steps