AIDAinnova Course on Quantum Applications
with an emphasis on Particle Detection Technologies for Applied Physicists and Engineers

Please put up your poster in Builiding 61.1-201 during the registration session. This is the area outside the CERN council chamber.
Speakers: Antoine Laudrain (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Beatrice Mandelli (CERN)
Speaker: Andrei Nomerotski
Time-stamping photons with sub-nanosecond precision for quantum-enhanced imaging and telescopy 503/1-001 - Council Chamber
Correlations of photons from entangled quantum sources offer advantages and provide additional opportunities such as low light imaging or new sensing approaches. In general, strong spectro-temporal correlations inherent for entangled photons make those sensing techniques much more precise and resource efficient. To take advantage of the correlations one would need efficient single photon imagers with excellent timing resolution. In the presentation I will review the existing detector options focussing on the time-stamping CMOS and SPAD cameras, which have been used recently in a variety of quantum imaging experiments, in particular the cameras with data-driven readouts. As a motivation for fast imaging in astrophysics I will also review the standard techniques of single-photon amplitude (Michelson) interferometry and two-photon (Hanbury Brown & Twiss) intensity interferometry, and then visit recent ideas for how they can be improved in the optical through the use of entanglement distribution. A proposed new technique of two-photon amplitude interferometry requires precise spectral binning and 10 picosecond scale time-stamping of single optical photons with a product of resolutions close to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle limit. In all cases I will illustrate the concepts with recent results and will discuss future directions for the technology.
Andrei Nomerotski (Florida International University and Czech Technical University)
Speaker: Andrei Nomerotski (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague) -
Non-invasive microvascular monitoring technologies based on diffuse optics 503/1-001 - Council Chamber
Diffuse optics is a promising tool for the measurement of local tissue hemodynamics, enabling non-invasive quantitative assessment of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations and blood flow of the deep tissue (>1cm) at the microvascular level. In this talk, I will review the main diffuse optical technologies applied to health such as near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies and laser-speckle based techniques, with particular focus on intensive care clinical applications.
Speaker: Lorenzo Cortese (ICFO) -
From circuits to sensors: the best is yet to come! 503/1-001 - Council Chamber
In my talk I will cover all aspects related to how an integrated Time-of-Flight sensor is designed and implemented. I will describe all aspects of pixel and sensors architecture in relation to addressing the needs of the application and all the important considerations that need to be made when going from simulation to real world implementation.
Sara PELLEGRINI PhD STMicroelectronics
Senior Member of Technical Staff
Imaging Sub-Group | Imaging Strategy Office |
Communication and Academic Collaborations ManagerSpeaker: Sara Pellegrini (STMicoelectronics) -
Lunch break and poster session 61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -
Recommended Poster Dimensions: Vertical A0
Quantum Random Number Generators 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
Unpredictability is usually perceived with a sense of discomfort. However, when it comes to protecting our digital life, it is essential since all the procedures for authentication, privacy preservation and encryption relies on keys, generated starting by random numbers. Whether algorithmic generation can be practical, it is irreducibly limited to pseudo-randomness by the very same deterministic nature of any software coded algorithm. “True” randomness can be a solution, as long as it is based on the observation of unpredictable natural phenomena. Random Power (RaP!) is a project turned into a start-up company where virtually endless streams of random bits can be generated by the analysis of the time series of self-amplified pulses seeded by quantum tunneling in dedicated silicon structures. By now, RaP! developed three embodiments of this patent protected principle, including an ASIC integrating advanced functionalities.
During the talk, needs, principle, state of development and issues related to starting up a company will be presented and discussed.
Speaker: Massimo Caccia (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) -
Quantum computing and its applications 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
This training consists of two parts.
First, I will briefly present my career path, starting with my work on particle detectors, moving through financial risk management, and culminating in quantum computing at IBM.
Second, we will explore how a quantum computer processes information using the laws of quantum mechanics. I will review the concepts of superposition, entanglement, and interference. Additionally, I will introduce the quantum circuit as a model for quantum computation. We will also discuss various applications of quantum computing and their potential relevance to particle detectors. Finally, we will learn how to execute quantum applications using the Qiskit quantum information software kit on the quantum processing units provided by IBM Quantum.D. Egger. Senior Research Scientist, IBM Quantum, Zurich
Minutes and additional material for tutorial:
Speaker: Daniel EggerLinks to some Hello world tutorials on IBM Quantum:
Advanced tutorial on quantum optimization
Links to the white papers on the applications
- Optimization
- Materials and High Performance Computing
- High energy physics
- Healthcare and life sciences
Link to the IBM Quantum roadmap:
Many of the engineers in the audience might find the following paper very interesting (I like it a lot):
Superconducting nanowires 503/1-001 - Council Chamber
Superconducting nanowire detector development has culminated in demonstrations towards a broad range of applications. They are capable of detecting photons (X-ray to far-infrared), low energy electrons, ions and neutral molecules and most recently have been tested for relativistic particle detection. This talk will start with a review of the operating principle of these detectors and how they are fabricated and integrated into systems. We will then review some of the state-of-the-art measurements as well as their current and potential future applications.
Speakers: Boris Alexander Korzh (California Institute of Technology (US)), Boris Korzh -
Enabling quantum computers, networks and communication with high-performance single-photon detectors 503/1-001 - Council Chamber
Photons are key enablers across the full spectrum of quantum technologies, including quantum communication and networking, quantum random number generation, and photonic quantum computing. High-performance single-photon detectors, developed using diverse technological approaches, are fundamental to powering these platforms. In this presentation, I will focus on SNSPDs and SPADs, highlighting a few selected applications. Additionally, I will outline IDQ's collaborative approach to advancing state-of-the-art single-photon detector technology.
Speaker: Felix Bussieres (IDQuantique) -
3D interconnects for readout electronics 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
Driven by advances in manufacturing technologies, microelectronics has evolved significantly over the past decade. Beyond the traditional Moore's Law, microelectronics is becoming increasingly heterogeneous, incorporating concepts developed in part in a “More than Moore” dimension. Above all, it is increasingly understood on a system rather than a chip scale. This evolution emphasizes heterogeneous integration and innovative packaging schemes, with a strong focus on the performance of interconnections between functions.
In particular, 3D integration has emerged as a decisive approach, combining the advantages and possibilities offered by miniaturization with new flexibility in circuit design, especially in fields such as image & radiation sensors, high-performance computing and artificial intelligence. Other advanced packaging approaches are also available, such as fan-out-wafer level packaging, which is also very much in vogue at the moment. All these innovations are aimed at producing more efficiently designed systems, and are supported by major R&D efforts in both design and manufacturing technologies.Speaker: Perceval Tristan Coudrain (CEA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France) -
Networking cocktail and poster session 61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -
Networking breakfast Restaurant 1
Restaurant 1
The breakfast location in Restaurant 1 has been changed to the area closest to building 40
Quantum Sensing & Metrology: The next frontier 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
The invention of quantum mechanics is now nearly a century old, and you would have thought that most its applications would have been discovered. Nothing could be further from the truth. This field of research is more active than ever before with most of the attention going to quantum computing: a new form of computing based on the principles of quantum mechanics and is predicted to outperform any form of classical computing. Although the realisation of a useful quantum computer is still some years away, there are applications of quantum mechanics which are here and now and extremely exciting. Using delicate quantum effects, we can make sensors which allow us to measure signals beyond classical limits, opening up a whole new world for us to explore with huge potential impact for our prosperity and our quality of life. In the field of measurement science, metrology, quantum effects have resulted in superior measurement standards which have transformed the field. In this talk I will try to explain some of the weird and wonderful aspects of quantum mechanics and discuss a number of exciting sensing applications which result from it.
JT Janssen, NPL Chief Scientist
Speaker: Theodorus Janssen (National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom) -
Transition Edge Sensors: From First Principles to Applications in Particle Detection and Quantum Technologies 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
Transition Edge Sensors (TES) are superconducting devices that utilize the sharp transition between superconducting and normal-conducting states to achieve exceptional energy sensitivity. This lecture will explore the physics underlying TES operation, their design principles, and key applications in particle detection and emerging quantum technologies. The session aims to provide participants with a foundational understanding of TES and their potential to bridge traditional and quantum technologies.
Speaker: Mr Jose Alejandro Rubiera Gimeno (DESY) -
Break 40
Q-CMOS: Image sensors with single photon capabilities 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
Quantitative CMOS (qCMOS) is a cutting-edge image sensor capable of not only detecting single photons but also resolving their number, making it a powerful tool in advanced photonics. With exceptionally low readout noise and high quantum efficiency, qCMOS has found broad range of applications, including a rapidly expanding role in quantum technologies such as quantum sensing and quantum computing.
This lecture begins by introducing key concepts and metrics fundamental to photon-number resolving detectors, with a focus on the unique capabilities of qCMOS. It then traces the historical development of photon-number resolving technologies and concludes with a discussion on quantum applications, highlighting how qCMOS serves as a critical asset in modern quantum systems.Speaker: Dr Ljiljana Durdevic (Hamamatsu) -
Hybrid pixel detectors – the Timepix ASIC family 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
Hybrid pixel detectors are now ubiquitous in High Energy Physics experiments. This is because they are able to provide noise hit free data with very high timestamp precision. Following pioneering work in the Medipix Collaborations, the same technology is now used in multiple other fields ranging from photon science, to space-based dosimetry, to medical imaging and more recently to quantum applications. The Timepix family of pixel detector readout ASICs was designed in response to a request for time stamping at the pixel level for an envisaged gas detector-based Time Projection Chamber. In the first version of the chip each pixel could be programmed to measure one of 3 parameters: total counts, Time over Threshold (ToT), or Time of Arrival (ToA). Readout was frame-based. Successive designs have added data driven readout and much higher time precision. This talk will introduce the Timepix family of readout chips highlighting the key features for each generation. Some of the fundamental design constraints will be discussed along with potential future avenues for development.
Speaker: Michael Campbell (CERN) -
Lunch break
Group Photo, day 2 500/1-201 - Mezzanine
500/1-201 - Mezzanine
Same as yesterday - Main building near restaurant 1; on the stairs10Show room on map -
Monolithic pixel technologies 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
Monolithic pixel sensors integrate the sensing layer and readout electronics on a single silicon substrate, eliminating the need for interconnects and enabling cost-effective production using CMOS technology.
This lecture covers the evolution of monolithic pixel sensors, focusing on key technical challenges in embedding readout electronics and recent advancements. The ALPIDE sensor, used in the ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS), represents the state of the art in monolithic integration, offering high granularity and low material budget, with ongoing developments targeting wafer-scale stitched sensors. The MONOLITH project aims to push timing resolution to sub-10 ps by employing a SiGe BiCMOS process and the innovative PicoAD continuous gain layer. Applications beyond particle physics will also be discussed, including high-resolution PET imaging for medical diagnostics and time-of-flight (ToF) LiDAR for depth sensing.Speaker: Thanushan Kugathasan (Universite de Geneve (CH)) -
Silicon photomultipliers - SiPMs 40/S2-D01 - Salle DiracSpeakers: Alberto Gola (Fondazione Bruno Kessler), Jacopo Dalmasson (Stanford University), Jacopo Dalmasson
Hybrid Pixel Single Photon Detector for Quantum Applications 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
In this presentation, I will provide an overview of our technological advancements and current projects within the quantum field using TPx3/TPX4. Additionally, I will discuss the obstacles we are encountering in the development of quantum technologies, highlight current gaps in the field, and outline the ideal specifications required for future breakthroughs.
Speaker: Shazia Farooq (Amsterdam Scientific Instruments) -
Quantum Computing/Sensing: Are Cryo-CMOS Circuits Essential? 40/S2-D01 - Salle Dirac
The core of a quantum computer or a quantum sensor is generally an array of qubits or quantum detectors and classical electronics for its control; it operates on the qubits/detectors with nanosecond latency and a very low noise. Classical electronics is generally operating at room temperature, however recently, we have proposed that it moves closer to the qubits/detectors and operates at cryogenic temperatures to improve compactness and reliability. This has introduced new constraints to the electronics, especially in terms of noise and power dissipation, due to the extremely weak signals generated by quantum devices that require highly sensitive circuits and systems, along with very precise timing capability. We advocate the use of CMOS technologies to achieve these goals, whereas the circuits will be operated at 2-10K. We believe that these, collectively known as cryo-CMOS circuits, will make future qubit arrays scalable, enabling a faster growth in qubit count. Quantum sensing will become more reliable and robust to the conditions of operation. In the talk, the challenges of designing and operating complex circuits and systems at deep-cryogenic temperatures will be outlined, along with preliminary results achieved in the control of quantum devices by ad hoc integrated circuits that were optimized to operate at low power in these conditions. The talk will conclude with a perspective on the field and its trends.
Speaker: Prof. Edoardo Charbon (EPFL) -
Concluding remarks and closing of the training 40/S2-B01 - Salle BohrSpeakers: Anne Dabrowski (CERN), Rafael Ballabriga Sune (CERN)