Workshop on Muon Collider Superconducting Magnet Design
The second workshop on Muon Collider Magnet Design will take place from 6 to 7 November 2024. The meeting will be hosted by INFN and University of Milan at LASA in Milan. Participation via Zoom will be made possible for people who cannot attend in person.
The meeting will cover different area of superconducting magnet design:
(i) Superconducting 10 T Dipole magnet design for the accelerator ring;
(ii) Evaluation of combined function magnet maximum performances and possible magnet design to be studied in the next year;
(iii) Assumptions and present parameters used to evaluate magnet protection and stability;
(iv) Electromagnetic and Mechanical Design of interesting dipole configurations for the collider magnet design and HTS magnetization models;
As done for our previous meeting, we desire to advance the design of the magnets for the muon collider identifying the best design options and refining the protection strategies. We aim to assess different models and approaches we are currently developing in our collaboration and share our expertise.